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After several years on the internet I have reached this conclusion
babys your doing it wrong
When you start paying your own energy bill
Sorry to tell you...
PS 101
Life is balls, man.
Emma Watson on English and American guys
awesome game in Ukraine
And where are you going little one?
So This Is A Thing.
Well someone was pissed... Badum tssss :D
MyFitnessPal just gave up on me...
Silly bird
A place some people should visit.
In the middle of the night
If airlines had Steam Sales
Has science gone too far?
A gift for everyone
Taking racism to a whole new level
Looking at you, lurkers.
who da main ***
Doge :D
They don't work
Lightning Kicks
Damn right:
That`s my fetish!
Female expectation vs. reality
This guy dosent like the iPhone too much
Jesus please
and also the number of balls, if he had 7 more
In loving memory...
I'm a meerkat.
Won't fall for that shit again.
You ruined it.
Dishonored review
***ing Lettuce
Never forget
Goddamnit.. why me..?
Someone Please Help Quickly!
Let The College Notes War Begin
But what is Russia doing ?
Oh, did you have a dream?
Stand off
You shall not pass mothertruckers
The Struggle is Real
Hilarious hidden cartoon perv moments.
Chicago O'Hare Airport popular tip
Enjoying the inflight-movie
He's got a point..
The dog's thoughts when he got himself stuck on the waterfall
Halfway point
How to get stoned ancient greek way.
This will fool them!
Anti-racism poster gone wrong
Ancient Greeks, check your privilege
U wot mate I'll ring the sh*t out of you
Life is about decisions.
but what about a warm cup of stfu
Dem socks
But noo, they had to walk the whole way around, DUH
Them feels though...
Drop that stylus motherf**ker
The Brighter side!!!
An old favorite of mine
That's some solid relationship advice
this guy asks the real questions
When you check the oven.
Miss Pawnee
How the hell do you know, Steve!
Mfw friend says palpatine is best emperor in all galaxies
You May Need a Bigger Pump
Amy sounds funny
Realistic Sequels
How the current generation will be at age 85
Quick! Before he puts a limit on it
Nobody ***ing helps me in this house..
Tom's an excellent wingman
Seems legit
Trolling Apple fanboys on a 'useful shortcuts' article
Human watching
Winter in Romania
Antoshka asking the real questions
It's kind of like the game 'The Floor is Lava' but with subtle differences
Breaking the laws
Sup Jack.
That moment when your dad officially transitions to a crazy old man.
when you're tired but your girlfriend wants you to flick it first before you put yours in
Photoshop was too hard.
Dog philosophy
The fresh feeling of Listerine
Yes. That is correct.