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That moment when your dad officially transitions to a crazy old man.
when you're tired but your girlfriend wants you to flick it first before you put yours in
Photoshop was too hard.
Dog philosophy
The fresh feeling of Listerine
Yes. That is correct.
The majestic welsh pony
This sex offender app is awesome!
When you finally see the mosquito
When the waiter brings me a wine card
smelling someone's fabric conditioner like
This must be fun at parties
Money makes the world go round'
Flirting with the Apple Support tech...
Cannot unsee
Godzilla doesn't *** around
Took a wrong turn somewhere...
Doctors protest changes to Medicare
when lady gorbachev asks you to drink vodka with her
"It's a trap!" Trap
Anthony Sullivan beheads an infidel on live TV
The irony...
Relevant for recent world issues
'Sup bud?
The diversity of Fox News hosts
Whoever designed this logo made a terrible mistake
Staying alive.
Ed was not having a good week
Help me !
Sheen reloaded
***ing Subtitles
Goddamn it dad
Checking your balance
Joan Rivers dedicates her book to someone special
stop, stop, he's dead already
Wise words
when the light turns green and the car in front of me is not moving
And will kill you too!
That moment when...
Somebody stop the chain!
Leaked plot of Taken 4?
The all-seeing eye of...AT&T?
Well *** you too, Amazon
When you are so flat chested
+1 for the edit.
Well then ....
This has gone to far
Try hitting it with a bat too.
good girl
The Domino's Effect
Why would you pay for only one?
That humor
Here's why
Feeling useless? This might cheer you up
Billy Joel playing harmonica looks like dying Anakin Sywalker
What did he expect...
Eat whomever came first
Punny as ***
criticism done right
But you just said…
Stop it
not sure if realistic or otherwise
in soviet russia you carry a tank
What a catch...
As someone with common sense this show drives me insane
Well... close enough
Meanwhile in Canada!!!
Her boyfriend is dumb
Tauriel, pls
"Hello, IT? Yeah, the LAN is down again."
When soldiers are bored 2, coming soon to a war near you.
They're not dangerous
We grow 'em bigger and greener here in Washington...
any takers?
K`mon bae, we been doing this for 3 hours now...
Real smooth /b/
Meanwhile in Canada...
saw this in the Oslo airport, best part is there are more around.
Ah, how the tables have turned!
Hard pill to swallow during a Futurama binge...
Book of common sense
Aww, Disaster Girl is all grown up!
An astute observation... Naaaah.
Traffic sign in L.A. hacked earlier today...
I didn`t know potaters could carry plants around.
Something great is about to happen.
I miss those days
Still dont think its worth it
Drunk flying is the 3rd leading cause of bee deaths.
Oh history history Y U SO CHEESY