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Meanwhile in Canada...
saw this in the Oslo airport, best part is there are more around.
Ah, how the tables have turned!
Hard pill to swallow during a Futurama binge...
Book of common sense
Aww, Disaster Girl is all grown up!
An astute observation... Naaaah.
Traffic sign in L.A. hacked earlier today...
I didn`t know potaters could carry plants around.
Something great is about to happen.
I miss those days
Still dont think its worth it
Drunk flying is the 3rd leading cause of bee deaths.
Oh history history Y U SO CHEESY
That grin
On hearing anonymous are out to get the jihadists...
probably the only scene we'll ever look forward to in the entire movie
Not the brightest bulb of the bunch
tali tubbies
"Hey, do you want to hear a joke?.... What do you call a door only used by prostitutes?"
Classic Irishman's dilemma
Adjusting your chair while on skype
The *** is wrong with you man naked tities come on
What the hell happened last night?
Mortal Enemies
Spot the Vegan
So cold!
U mad bruh ???
F**king zip ties
seems like there's still realistic people out there
The difference in mindset
Oh the irony... Just 4 hours later.
The French brought a tank to the hostage situation
How chicks put on lipstick
Man down!
them russians
You've beaten me this time, Captcha
Social Media Warriors
Straight alpha
Such kind. Very help. Wow
How to do Religion Wrong
Best $20 I've ever spent
well well. where are the hoverboards, obama?
Served some time...
When somebody tells a funny joke, but I'm going to annex them later
The Simpsons on having two wives
checkmate, drake! Feelings: 1 Drake: 0
They're holding the textbook they're appearing on
Kinda late to the party, but here`s your rusniac starter pack.
Just Japan
After returning to college
There had to be a better way to phrase that
We're adults and we get to decide what that means: The Home Depot Edition
How it feels sitting in the front row of the movie theater
ayyy lmao
Can't remove kebab then
There are two types of people in the world.
Real Ocean Facts. Let them sink in slowly..
And she takes your money
fam pls
MRW my girlfriend butt comes into spanking range
Just because I'm rubbing my face on your leg doesn't mean I'm "asking for it".
That's a real poblem, you selfish f**k!
11/10 Would play
3rd guy got a killer bow tho.
zzzzzz #sleeping
not sure if summoning or earth bending. either way, let's light the torches, gents!
Curvy not Curry
This is why Russian liquor stores are never robbed
I'm too old for this shit
not so sure about president but that sound's like Daquan, alright.
Give him a break
Great upskirt though
Visiting France
Sexual Predator
But... but... it's written!
"Muhammad overwhelmed by Fundamentalists: It's tough being loved by jerks..."
Your face
Top Gear decorates their lorries
OP being OP
Dis guy
wat does he wat
Things that come after 69
Taxis don't stop for privileges
Beta as hell
Bark bark
Those poor tumblr feminists
Wise words for the great thinker of the past
No religion should be free from criticism.
Your offering is acceptable
Anyone from New England can agree with this.
Just lion on the hard cold ground
That is the most genuine expression of despair I've ever seen on a manufactured piece of metal
2000$ egg fail