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allow Arceus in thy heart, to enter the eternal Pokemon battle fields after thine death.
4-Year Club

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Luck be in the air tonight.
I agree with you
a masterpiece
Better Loophole
How Europe feels about superbowl
only 50?
Daily struggle.
Goin' in dry like
das ist gut
Japan's biggest porn star
Mike Rowe might be a little crazy...
When your day couldn't get any worse
Free porn isn't free.
How do you stop a 30-year-old from beating his wife?
and I'll do it again
flowers for the lady
''Kids'' Shows.
sugoi, sugoi!
The world needs to know!
Woody the dog
Stop trying to make bing happen, it's not going to happen...
Skeleton: I am dying, heal me please! Doctor: Not without insurance
Reviews about Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies
Never trust anybody, not even yourself in 1788
You wouldn't rat me out, would you?
No time for sleep
Jaden is everywhere
that philosophy sure as hell went up and died out the window
James May understands me
Good advice from this San Diego pier
Make metal, little ladies...
The sure to get your ass kicked bumper sticker
The brilliance of modern-day man
When Muhammad made you a surprise birthday party
high five, dude
Biggest bro save of all time
Facebook was a little on the nose with their 'related topic' to this story.
Incest Aunt Jenette strikes again
Muh feels...
To Infinity
what arguing with feminazis feels like
If there is an award for advertising, I'm sure this one ain't up for it.
This is the greatest Venn Diagram to ever exist.
This kid is going to get very far
British combat the snow with professionalism and efficiency.
that's not the real Thor
The resemblance is strong with this one.
What really happened to Eurogroup - Greece meeting.
He shouldn't keep trying to rob this woman
Oh dear...
The problems Canadian girls face during the winter.
That's a very specific toilet
Drake doesn't scare you on Halloween. He does otherwise
Conan gets science jokes
George R.R Martin approves
This person who is aware of their surroundings.
Give an ex., man.
Organic AND Freerange?
lesson 1 of birds and the bees, honey.
Online gaming
For everything else...
To all of the girls, this is what real men looks like!
That was close
Whats going on guys?
I came over
Well.. she is not feelling the heat anymore
He's kind of hot
guys i finally learned how to sex
100 women
me on the white car when it comes to job opportunities
Auntie Jenette
Spark that b*tch!
Darth Putin
I'm screwed
Time for these religion junkies to start asking the real questions...
Thank god I can't read
Buy it on steam for only $45,55
Annie doesn't like puns
"Player 3 joined the game"
That feel
That's a big finger
Won't ask next time... We'll just have a kid
You park like an *** ...
Are You Offended?
Is your cat getting ready to leave you?
College: the desks get smaller and the doodles get real
There is a P*nis in my soup!
Eventually she has become a dwarf
They grow up so fast
Goddammit frank!
Getting closer every time
Some people oppose vaccinations for religious reasons
This movie trilogy took an abrupt turn.
Ok, Jesus, I'll read it