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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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This is why I like this show
What are the odds...
Benny needs to get his shit together
Robert Mugabe wants this picture deleted today
Well played
Bumper sticker for adults
Woody prefers a mature woman
We just hired a new nanny and she is super hot
Just a boss being honest
Let's help people connect even more with facebook, guys!
Stay in school, kids
Canadian Surfing
bad luck
Crusades were dank
Eastern European marshmellows
Male & Female Lego Astronauts from 1980's
Good read is good
Paul has way too much time on his hands
And why it's so small
To the guy with the Liquid Zoo
exactly what you'll see in Google's too!
Am i too late for the FILTHY imperial posts?
When someone is wrong on the internet but their comment has 100+ upvotes
Thats my hat!
I looooove to sneak in my blueberries as well
It all makes sense now..
Oh the accuracy...
uncle phil stahp
Be honest with yourself
You want to do what?
Lewis Black on Nancy Grace
Taco Bell feedback
Low on ink, please replace cartridge!
Watch out for George...
I think it's just sleeping.
Oppression intensifies
"Didnt really work out did it?"
This had to have been intentional
We`re gonna have to wait and see
where will you be when acid kicks in?
Drake is the type of guy who needs his parents' permission to get on
I've made a huge mistake
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but this thing will ***ing kill you
You ***ed up
Asian helps anon
Oh're the man.
School ASB snuck this in
2015 Jesus
Talking Spiders
Guardians of the Superbowl
It's acceptable to throw things at them in that situation
The only good thing about being stuck in traffic today.
It's all about context.
You walk now
This awesome dude
Please !
Drake's always looking like the proud wife.
Th...thanks Google, but I'll not go with option number three.
I'd watch it.
He did, you little shit
She knows
Society's unrealistic expectations of women are getting out of hand.
The things you find on twitter
Happy wife, happy country?
The Gooch
You can even chose which one
Raep tiem
With school starting back up, the reality of this keeps hitting me in the face.
It's getting hot in here
He saved a lifetime of money... For this...
from the dorm at a Christian college
Yoga butt
The science is in, get your vaccines
Sodium Bicarbonate is literally
You're welcome
Punishments handed down in the military
Todays chemistry exam
The dangers of Marijuana
They're getting smarter...
ryder also had aids
*insert clever metaphor about US gv't and crises here*
American soldiers freeing hundreds of ISIS sex slaves
Worst moment of the day relived
A coworker has a particularly unfortunate username..
Weird autograph session
When she looks up, we look down...
But will they deliver??
How the media works
space jokes
The shark on the left was being executed, and the shark on the right was being comforted.
A-10 Warthog nose art.
Nice try, Internet Explorer..
If it's not batman, then I don't need him.
Dr. James Bond, GYN