Sssshhuuut the *** up.
Sssshhuuut the *** up.


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VorruMan · 14 points · 10 years ago
I find this offensive. Shutting people up is against everything I stand for. Where would we get all our comedy from if all the idiots would be forbidden to voice their opinions? Who would we laugh at if every ancient alien theorist or young Earth creationist was unable to make their opinion public?

Stop downvoting this guys comment and read it to the end.
Have a +1 from me good sir :-)

On Topic: the Dawkins vs. Wendy Wright debacle comes to mind

VorruMan · 3 points · 10 years ago
Thank you kind AFGNCAAP.

The Dawkins/Wright debate is really humorous.
"Human beings were made out of love!"
"There is no evidence of evolution."
And of course the classic creationist sentence "Teach the controversy."

There's plenty more there though. And if we'd do as the image suggests we wouldn't have that piece of comedy gold publicly available on, for example, YouTube.

And let's not forget the marketing gold mine named Chopra. I could watch those videos for hours and still laugh my arse off at the mangled hogwash he spews. He´s like a fortune cookie.

How could anyone want to silence such beauty?

fertybrando · 7-Year Club · 0 points · 10 years ago
Anyone who believes in evolution and think it's not completely blind faith is literally retarded. People who laugh at other people who think literally ANYTHING other than evolution is true are even more retarded, since it's basically one of the most unlikely theories ever believed by anyone.

^^ this is exactly what we were talking about :)

You just went full retard. Go back to your cave.

Seriously though, thanks for making me smile.

dragonson04 · Experienced · 4 points · 10 years ago
Yeah. So is Gravity. But you don't see me walking out of a 4th story window.

mrsantiagovs · 1 points · 10 years ago
in the scientific context that the theory of gravity is stated, "Theory" basically stands for "undoubted truth". It´s said, you know, in books and stuff ;)

maxmadman · 3 points · 10 years ago
I believe the theory of evolution is true because it backs itself up with some evidence but that doesn't change the fact that it IS just a theory. So, what exactly is the point of this post?

ShadoWalkeR · Commenter · 2 points · 10 years ago
>general relativity is *just* a theory
yet Einstein's equations are used in pretty much every thing space related.

>Evolution is a *scientific* theory, which adequately explains, and disproves many other theories, based on evidence such as fossils.
It's theory, as in it doesn't have solid mathematical proof *AND* an experimentation process that is reproducible.
For it to become a law, there needs to be scientific measurements throughout thousands, if not millions, of years *AND* a solid mathematical foundation.

It doesn't mean it's less wrong. It just means that it fits the model of living species, but we don't know the intricate details.

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