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Only time, a woman made a man a millionaire
Was when that man was a former billionaire
5-Year Club

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Japanese game shows in a nutshell
Clever girl
the best strategy
*whispers "help me"
Day 14: Fido's still missing
Conan O'Brien on the new Lamborghini
Although the real struggle was sending them via infrared.
Racism Hits Home
Very unfortunate indeed
When you're finally home alone and you can fap
So fabulous
Your grandpa went to hell
when she just finds the normal pron folder
Played Skyrim for the first time. 17 hours later, this explains a lot.
Are you not?
We should do this
Now we won't be able to give him a proper bearial
This guy got his priorities right
it's like a graveyard!
actually no surprise here
Don't forget the Fudge Crunchies
No kid could possibly withstand so much dadness
I bet they use watermelon type
Duty Calls
Best flavor idea yet
snowwhite - how it really happened
I'm starting to like football
Oh yeah...I'm the boss at pouring things.
Your dogs all day, every day
Good placement, Xero
When some good OC finally appears:
Hello fellow rabbits!
Never thought about that
Casio masterrace
It's like, science man....
Let's be blunt about it
Facebook set to private...
Microwaves need this feature
Supa hot fire? I spit that
The consequences of the lack of the oxford comma... oh god!
Well... he does have a point
(insert racist monkey thing title)
twerk defense
I just don't understand them
must be drowning in pussy
Oh, Okay then.
I can't remember this Spongebob episode..
They're ready!
You know you modded too much when you find out Argonians' side job
I'm not good at greeting cards.
From an early draft of the second Austin Powers film
so deep
Black twitter = only good thing out of twitter
2013 must have been awesome
Stupid ass hoe with a stupid ass name - Dafuq is North West
nig*a just broke the system
it's jojo. it ain't gay
Asking the important questions
Gotta love fighting games!
Childhood memories
Like fo real tho, who dunnit?
they hatin'
Crayons demand human flesh
There goes more money down the drain!
Gaga blacksheep
You're A Hazard, Harry!
Birds make the most beautiful sounds
And emailed it to everyone.
tfw he should have hidden in a Bush
My dreams can finally come true
Pretty much sums up today.
Canada's dark side
This girl has her life in check
This censorship problem is getting out of hand
well you ate my pizza
2088 survival
It's safe to say that whoever came up with this illustration wasn't an engineer
A Pastor's Relationship Advice for Girls
if your girl leaves you
Asking the real questions.
Hey, where is Bert?
Being a rebel is tough.
damn newfag
Close enough...
Do a flip
Gluten Free Vegan Please
leaked supervillain plot by government healthcare service
The dead don't know they're dead.
Bilbo Baggins inspiring kids around the globe
ode to a great n64 game