Meanwhile in Texas

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ImmortalUndying · 1 points · 9 years ago
-_- yeah right, vote for the republican retard that is against gun law, is against gay marriage, is against obamas affordable health care plan but registered for it either way, is horribly loby-ing for a war against Iran, is for cutting taxes for the rich and rising taxes for the poor, is such a giant retard that thinks people on social wealthcare buy steaks and lobsters for dinner every day, lives in a retarded world that thinks there is a war on christmas and easter and is born in Canada from Cuban parents, ergo he is not even 1% American while Obama IS 100%. -_- Murica, you have the most retarded politicians on the planet and you still vote for them, are you retarded yourself?!??!?! oh what I am talking about, you voted for Georg W Bush 2 times
Creative_I_Be · Hardcore Commenter · 2 points · 9 years ago
He has these positions because he gets votes for it. Repeating popular opinions and backing them up with false facts and flawed logic is 70% of the democrats and 95% of the republicans. It's gullible people believing everything their representatives say that's the problem. The politicians are in fact smart and exploiting this to its full potential.
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