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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath
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Teaching kids not to lie
Be sure to look up.
Relatively soon
GermanWings co-pilot be like
Your average morning news
MRW a random internet stranger messages me and tells me "you've made a powerful enemy"
he's right
Ladies don't make this mistake.
and don't forget to run with your eyes closed
also, he's peeing in the sink
The day after Brad and Jeff's relationship went to the 'next stage'
Did you see the new Back to the Future trailer?
i miss those college days
Little brother comes out of the womb to fight too
Lost in translation ....
And he puts them up where you can't reach them. What a jerk.
come and get it because reasons
isis vs usa
Ever have one of those days?
A sneak peek into the curtained off area of a parmesan cheese factory
anon gets close to a girl
da doctar was rite all along
flawless logic
God is doing things to google
Thanks mr Skeltal.
Turf wars.
Don't you like guns ***boy?
Who lives in a Box and is coming for You!
Oh, Best Buy...
What does 'gay' mean?
When you don't check hugelol during April's Fools and see the commotion next day
Gay Marriage...
Happens all of the time
Shots fired.
He needs a Scumbag Steve Hat...
gotta go fa
Now that's why they call it the Huger games
What about all the string language?
How to get your children to respect your power
how to deal with tridimensional fluid octogenders
Plausible explanation
Bart on grad school
Homer is full of great advice.
This is college right now for me!
Let me just grab some popcorn...
Relative Stuff
but still have spare bucks for a chicken wing
best life ever
Smoking kills
actually is putin
Best dad ever!
The first sign of spring.
Call now!!
The gif that keeps on giving
lois common denominator
Gravity Wins
Breads by Dre
Some rich people are so inconsiderate
Fair point.
Me trying to flirt
He's hiding something.
When you forget you have to present an art project about drinking and driving
Life's Too Short
History would be much better with lightsabers
Once you go black...
Human optimism
breaking pizza
This happened in Seville. Nice job driver!!
You have to be a pun master to work for a DOT, apparently
Freaky hidden message
Robbie don't pay no man no mind
Good for you
Scott Pilgrim gets it right
Saw this in the bathroom stall
That's a bold move, Cotton...
He's got a point
I can't resist to make this
Or I'll bust some ass...
April 2nd
Found this gem on campus
It runs in the family.
'Even here you won't escape'
Jupiter through the years as telescope tech improves
The World of Shapes
Know the difference
Are you nuts?
For *** sake NED!
Best April Fools joke
Join the fight!
F*ck everything !
Most awesome waitress. Ever.
Windows firewall
Oh. Now I remember
When she tells you that she only wants you as a friend