Downloading google chrome using Internet explorer is like making someone dig their own grave.

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Exactly how it feels like to go to america "we invented everything"
What you don't know is, he is browsing ***
triangular af
Politician-to-English translator
If you can't get an erection then...
She's so hot she's making me sexist.
Robert's cover is almost blown
Frankie Boyle on America's wars
New Starwars, Battlefront and Batman vs Superman trailer in the same week?
Heads up
Work hard and apply yourself
The guys from Corridor Digital confirmed PCMR!
Tell me, do you bleed?
Yet another innovative device from Japan
We ain't found shit!
What do you not get killed for? Blowing up? oh wait
they say a true feminazi feels like this
When you give the original link to a repost about to reach rising
Every single game!
At least the kids dont remember
history lesson
Facebook knows what's up
My inner 12 year old
Genghis ***
Failed attack
I, for one, really like Jawas.
You shut your *** mouth, watch
What did he do
Senpai Will, teach me your ways
Its official. This site has issues.
The tables have turned
Donald Trump daring to ask the questions the news media won't touch
shootercon 2015
Who needs titles
The internet's stance on mobile technology.
Alright Mom.
Finally paid off student loans.
Let's pray away all the ***s before we go to sleep
She misses her dad so much <3
Blabla Hdl content blabla
After seeing fresh page...
They get flashbacks cause they still can't believe they lost
Internet comment sections in a nutshell.
You distract him
If only...
***es, man.
Is he gonna pull out a pistol or perhaps a revolver...oh.
Anon goes to track practise
Thievin ass can't resist fries
It equals out.
Interactive Screen
Meth. Not even once.
You've got to admire their dedication.
why not both ?
I'm a what?
Dream come true
How the financial crisis ended
Call of Duty: Confused Warfare
My mix-tape is on fire yo!
That's some seriously funky bush, Bert
Ad Placement at it's finest
Browsing the fresh page
Barely made it
I wish my job didn't suck tho...
Grandpa Lou doesn't mess around.
How you know the game is in good hands
If google was a doctor
some gems on GTAV 'snapmatic' currently
Wait, what?
Formal Baby Picture
Let's take a moment to thank Google for this life saving feature
Wise words from John Marston
very quick thinking denzel
Checking yourself in the mirror
World cup..
Important Update
Bet there's a "random" drug test on the 21st though.
This is one badass Parakeet
Professional unicyclist
it wont be a happy meal for sure.
Recieved a package at work. I'm kind of afraid to open it.
This was a bad idea. No matter how much you love Jazz.
anon pranking
The game never changes
Classic governmental move
Missile command
Why you being so quiet?
A 100% accurate representation of rural Australia
Who said there's no truth in advertising?
Be wary of drake
This is the alpha ladies man on beach
Murica... Populated Europe
Get your sh*t together Canada
Never use kick as a finishing move on Tyrone, for it is one of his favorite fetish