A rather impersonal way of killing children, but Scooter couldn't complain about the casualty rate.

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Found this on someone's desk in the office.
Inner city problems
Notch & Miles Jacobson E3 predicitions. Sadly accurate.
the painful truth
There's South Korea and Smart Korea.
"Absolute beginners"
Bike race
I'll see y'all in hell
Spongebob Smash Pants
But what about Ron Burgundy and his crew?
Waking up in the morning after a party and you're still high af
Elmo is taking his place in history.
Same goes for cow's milk
Fair is Fair
Neil Degrasse Tyson causes brain implosion
It Wasn't Necessary, But It Really Adds to the Game
Office workers think they're so funny
I'm out
Fair point
Noises in the night...
Every time fam
...what is that?
Wrap that shit up dawg
"At this point, I'm just impressed they're using a map of the U.S."
Summon your rarest pepes, i promise i won't sell them ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Do you like pineapples?
Tumblr user catches a fly
This...is accurate
Just a Rome: Total War Steam review
New face for forever alone memes.
This artist is trolling planes...
We can improve him. We have the technology.
It's an affront to God!
That logic makes perfect sense... Right??
Summer Vacation
The evolution of break ins
Introducing the INTEL ADHD2000
You can see on Bill's face he foresaw what would become of the kinect
Atheist neighbor.
Anon unveils Kazuo Hirais' secret plan
Nigga thuggin at breakfast
arya got caught in the business
Let me out of here ***!
Weird looking kitchen
PornHub is crowd funding the first porno to be shot in outer space.
Oh the horror
Low intelligence playthroughs on Fallout are the best
Have they been hiding the rarest pepe all this time?
into a volcano
Burger King triple crown
I'm coming for that booty!
Laughed so hard at this..
Awesome Rail Grind
When ya playin yo mixtape on da piano
Did you know that skin comprises 16% of the human body?
It's always the one you least suspect.
the real issues
Stupid Facebook invites
The most serious kind of paper jam
Trap card nigga
This is why you pay your website guy.
Oh 2002... You so funny.
feminazis be like this (molg h)
pedos these days
The kaiser.
MRW dark souls 3 is coming
Oh... okay.
ewww, math?! whatever
How clouds are made
Men will be men
Meet girl in woods, kill her pet, take her number
So that's how it happened.
Je Suis Shampooing
Don't mess with Gengar
What a good grandma
Tumblr in a nutshell
Can't be unseen, this word is ruined for me
Hall of Famer
I'm sorry ladies :/
Just a normal guy, working nein to five...
Star power?
Taking risks
The leader Hogwarts deserves
The word is "ambidextrous".
Driving in New Jersey
This should be in the X games
Sometimes, HL does get it right