Behold the rarest of the rare, the mythological two-headed hound, born with only one head.

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The Daily Struggle
It's like a rollercoaster that only goes up
The fun is over
In light of recent events
me irl
Dont mind me. Im just thinkin'
The best part in Jurassic World
The Fate of Older Rock Bands
Spotted this Tesla in Sweden
Teenage Wasteland
Er... what was Earl doing?
Now you can
It's a trap!
When you have too many redbulls
Like father, like son
When you start a business, but you also have a life
What it feels like downvoting i_kappa
As you do
yo quit playin gurl
What do you got in your hand?
25% Drake, 25% The Hound, 25% Napoleon Dynamite, 25% Billy Zane
Someone had a rough night
The dark lord will rise again
you missed forever
I don't know what I expected
They just aren't very accurate.
Totes McNopes
What mid-twenties feels like.
important description
Goddamn Squidward...
when she turned out to be a he
Your hat is no longer needed, peasant
Rachel Dolezal in NBA 2K16
dickman is OK too
Make it enough
A labcoat does not make you a scientist
And i was thinking the guy jumping was the dumb one
they lose social point so what gives
Hits blunt
Peasant Future
Dealing with Pepes gets more and more dangerous
A happy young couple
When ***es are sensitive
Ok HBO, this is kind of a dick move even for you
ah yes the shakey shakey
We're in good hands
Beta feels
Gotta find the rarest pepe of them all
Dinosaur kid.
Chocolate sprinkled bananas.
The most Australian insurance claim ever
Just another day in Los Santos
Marketing vs. Real Life
Tick tack tooty, I'm coming for dat booty!
When the Nandos is too cheeky
me irl
Math is hard
Well... Alrighty then.
*** even left a Death Note
Nice pair of legs
Because people wouldn't download a rare pepe.
When you spot the booty
The Fox & The Goat : A Fable
"...When an unstoppable force meets an immovable object"
Priceless college advice, kids.
Too Hot to Handle
Just upgraded, feels good
Googled sharknato instead of sharknado; did not disappoint
GTA Logic
Roach is always training hard every day, and eating clen
YoutubeGaming just got rekt on twitter
The most boring superhero ever
Cat stuck in a tree.
What you gonna steal, if there ain't nothing to steal?
In need your clothes, your boots and your virginiy
Reading Harry Potter on the bus
A rather impersonal way of killing children, but Scooter couldn't complain about the casualty rate.
Found this on someone's desk in the office.
Inner city problems
Notch & Miles Jacobson E3 predicitions. Sadly accurate.
the painful truth
There's South Korea and Smart Korea.
"Absolute beginners"
Bike race
I'll see y'all in hell
Spongebob Smash Pants
But what about Ron Burgundy and his crew?
Waking up in the morning after a party and you're still high af