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I'm a 22-year-old guy with a passion for drawing and making people laugh. Those two characteristics motivated me to create a web comic.

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One picture, one story
Where will you be when the stroke kicks in?
The struggle is real.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
being this untolerant
It looks like trickle down economics really works
Big Black Queer
shove your K and have my D
Lord Farquaad
How Canadians cheat on a test
The Good ol' days
anon chats
Scrolling over dank memes feels like
Neil The Grease Tyson
Everything triggers me!
Power rangers
i can't even
Get over here!
For you Americans out there, remember this for Independence Day weekend.
No this sh*t again Timmy
Chemist joke
Someone has a great sense of humor in this neighborhood!
tough criminals
I could really go for some hardcore sax right now
dude, not even a try to block that dunk?
by the power of the lord, i calm your titties
The way you say them is what matters
the flight
*Pants become soak*
The heat of this irony is too much
Or one season at least
A fine beauty, indeed.
What will happen if you names your dog Satan
why mario, how could you do this?!
if it slides it works
Racism will never end.
le meme master
When you eat something right before the acid hits
Drinking with gf at Friday night
About time now i can stop using yahoo
I'm going to see this opening day
Its been a looong day, with out food my friend
Willy Wonka never had a chocolate factory, he was just a delusional schizophrenic
Shut. Down.
Grammar å
Opening the Twitter app
Life Advice
So, I found my Gameboy Color recently
Mexican Champagne
Well sh*t, if you all want it so bad...
That's a.....New one.....
Under pressure
supreme court pls
That sweet tight ass
Bro, do you want to be seen or not?
F*cking dammit Sonic
What the hell?
The collective SJW anal clench at this post has surpassed the density of a neutron star.
Greatest Finnish word ever.
The pollocaust is brought to you by...
blizzards way of making me cry
a thing before the thing recently
Totally rad
CNN's "ISIS Flag Spotted at Gay Pride Parade" consists of Butt-Plugs, Dildos, and ***-Rings
What do we need?
When the multiplayer map area needs to be limited
when you are high af and think you can fly
Yep.....could have used this a few times in our lives...
Benjamin Franklin would be proud.
our generation brings doom
Mom: "If you mess the floor, I'll beat the shit out of you"
Nothing would stop Ernie from celebrating his new rights
We had to find a new actor
Problems of being tall...
mother***ers dont know a giraffe when they see one
Khajiit has wares if you have the coin
me irl
what BBQs are like when you're 30, single and male
I tried once and came back in time
Can we now focus on what really needs to be made legal in the USA?
Trying to act cool in front of your crush like
That moment when she's not a catfish
I love avocado so much that I sh*t guacamole
you should keep an eye on everything
Hugelol in the good old days
This is getting out of hand
Wait one more
when one of your family members is going to be rich
time to strike back the bots with precious (shitty) oc
I posted every pokemon post on the entire internet