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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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How to be a cheeky ***
Poor Sean Bean
When you're about to eat some salad, but you're on LSD
Friendly reminder that a certain day is approaching. Ready your jokes, boys.
Anime gets too real
Might want to rephrase that...
Come on, Obi-Wan, tell the truth.
Will he be there for you?
In Soviet Holland River Cross You
Don't be too butthurt
There are no mistakes, just happy accidents ;)
It's time to switch
relationship goals
Song of the divorced man
Silicon Valley can be so cheerful
The question of ages
Senior VS Freshmen Girls at Frat Parties
When people really know their shit!
Police in Montreal are refusing to wear their work pants as a part of a labor dispute.
Girls night out
Fatality Survivor
Religious beliefs
So much truth.
Spoon needs to get it's shit together.
Lord of the rings: Sauron's eye spread wide open
Deep inside, we're all the same. Well, almost.
No Shame
Relationship Goals
how to get rejected101
Trouble with the language
Get it together, Tyrone
It's payback time
Surprise mother***er
The Perfect Beer To
I'm 99% sure
Dating is easy when your standards are low
Poor Mr. Handy
Fun Family Photo
YouTube pranks be like
Why do seals swim in salt water.
You ***ing doughnut
whale this is awkward
Porn Titles
Finally got my womens studies textbook
Definitely no other factors involved here
Work perks
From Jon Stewart's book, 'America', published in 2004.
GIMME THE HATE but for so many its true ...
The reason I'm fat
It's gone too far
The most challenging riddle of all
Would motorboat then die of overdose
When the coffee too loud
Lex Luthor realised that just because he stole 40 cakes did not mean that he had to eat all 40 cakes
This girl is going places.
Jesús works in mysterious ways
Niles, telling it how it is
Nailed it!
This is professional photobombing
One is missing you tosser!
I'm really glad they cleared that up...
Let's get it oooon !
Liam Neeson in "Take It"
When admins don't see the cupcakes
Back to 0
Secret Gym
Aint clever
Breaking news: Cupcakes can now trigger
Still stuck in 1st gen
Who is this sign for?
6 AM is way too early to be confronted with this metaphysical bullshit
Graphic designers...
You gotta believe in yourself.
Anti-HiddenLol squad
Didn't Work!
You ***ing appendix
Time to grow up
Apply cold water on burned area
Damnit Dan.
If you ever thought you might be a sociopath...
when you go to mass and there's no bible
Every Finding Bigfoot episode ever
Life goals