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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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This wolf has seen some sh*t
Savage af
So this is how you guys gone kill me?
penguins sleep more deeply in the afternoon
Finally! It's about freakin' time!
me irl
The patent office
Meanwhile in India...
Local police taking out the competition
Walking through Schnucks when...
Now it's Hillary's turn to get her dick sucked
This guy's been trolling cops since 198B.
Hope they are not going to rape him like indiana jones.
Me irl
High School Grad Quote
Now it all makes sense!
On the topic of pre-ordering
They sure saved that fish from drowning.
The amount of times I've had to correct people on this...
YouTube Sucks
Some high school kids enjoy blowing bubbles
Medieval Sext
What's your final Answer?
The News
.. the show where we get you to FACE! YOUR! FEARS!!
Adobe reader it is!
drop box
Look her in the eyes
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
That's why she's called Peach
Stumbled upon this survey today
"Im not stupid"
The old tablecloth trick.
Beautiful, talented women
that awkward moment
Maybe someday
me irl
Me and doc are here
This *** doesn't even have all of her adult teeth
Just put this in your hand and slap her.
Belgian ads be like..
When she keeps asking to go camping
Reality collapsing
IKEA posted this today
Fire Emblems Awakenings true Hero
You don't own your dog...
It's a trap!
Krabby Patty with extra pickles
Step one in pet ownership:
damn schrödingers
These restrooms
Most people's reaction to the new Star Wars trailer
Kudos, church network admin!
No candy for oppressive children!
Me irl
Me in a new group
The front page today all day today.
So Victoria Police posted this today...
When you're the only one in the family without talent
Shoplifter Being Detained By Store Owner
Before and After
Bee dad.
Don't know if this has been posted here before... but it's too good not to miss...
Licking Earl
The perfect distraction
Fall is the best time of year
Even Daffy isn't sure anymore
That's just AMORE.
Cute dress, Sir.
The symbol on this selection on a money management app
Oh Karl
The future is scary
Oh to have a full time job.....
when men use women's shampoo
Puppy love
Better Off Ted was a great show
This is what nightmares are made of
Paul's productivity to scale.
Is that guy carrying a gun?
Everybody ready to haunt this guy?
FFS Disney! Get your act together.
The Kardashian Effect
when she asking about your side chick
The most helpful customer review for horse head mask...
Sorry mom. Too far for a joke?
He might have been a little busy...
Breaking the 4th wall
When ur gf gets fat but u still loyal