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It seems that no one here really cares about reposts that much anymore, but still: I will delete my reposts as long as you can provide the link to the OP.

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And don't forget to make some noise
Leave me alone Jesus
When I'm the first to wake up at a friend's house
Thanksgiving was better when I sat at the kids table
Waiting For The Apple Fans...
The purple-shirted eye stabber strikes again!
McKayla Maroney and President Barack Obama are Unimpressed
What was he trying to accomplish?
My mother was worried about my trip to Afghanistan, I sent her this picture.
That's racist! screwed
I never quite understood this.
Mom was worried about me moving to L.A. Sent her this picture.
Photobomb Master Mr. FatMan
Business Tactics
I dont even...
If you know what I mean
Dat smile
The Fast and the Furious: Amish Drift
I'd sh*t my pants
Cant stop laughing :D
Epic answer
Huh, what's th.... SH*TSH*TSH*T!
Already did.
Politeness is the key
So much nope, we need Spock for this!
Pew Pew Pew
She's pretty
Pet owners know how it is
This whale needs a friend
Prison visit
Almost got it
I wish i could do that
A bigger gun would have helped
America's Finest
My girlfriend says she'll be coming over in an hour
"Cool Bike rack"
Do you even... Well, f*ck that.
Rock -N- Roll
"Sky diving cat's"
Anger overloaded
My guess was un-toothy blowjobs
Trolling Twilight fans
It's okay, YOU CAN LAUGH.
Circus cat acrobatic walk
Well, sh*t
Give owner a stick
I'm really boring
Why do I hang out with this guy anyways?
He gives away 90 % of his earnings as charity.
Too much snow
Athletic Wizardry Level: Ibrahimovic
I'm having a great time!
Awesome team work
At least the man knows how to save time!
Goddammit Spiderman! You failed again!
Tried to be serious with my best friend once. Once...
Bounce bounce bounce run!
Happy Meal Toy
When you get asked to clean the house.
If Jupiter were as far away as the Moon (the little white circle is our Moon) [GIF]
The Definition of win
Bad example
Good things happen at the wrong places
Just; Men.
The Original Fruit Ninja.
I bet you they have been preparing for it...
Epic brother is epic. Respect
USA vs. Russia
Thats why I hate chairs.
If you know what I mean
When my 4 year old says I make the best scrambled eggs in the world...
Just think about it
So tasty
This guy is a hero
GIF's before the internet.
The sad reality
Hey human! I'm open.
Be someone...
Many Faces of Johny Depp
Welcome to McSatan
True story
That's what called ART
I tried to smile at a cute girl on campus today
It all makes sense now.
Every single math class
Pilot Poker Face.
I love this idea
World War 2
Turkish Ice Cream Style
Haven't played Skyrim for a long time now, and this just happened:
"Thank you Disney, I can't wait to hear";
How cool is that?
Dat Ass
Target: locked
When ever i lose a game
Alex the parrot