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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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The hard truth about HLOL
Is true then
Get rekt fag gots
France smells something delicious
Whenever anyone calls me a nerd
Raptor22's a fag
Nailed it...
Can we get at least an amen?
I can't tell whats worst. Thats shes fourteen or that she only did it for a double cheeseburger
Tennis anyone?
In the series of "Bright" Ideas ..
XCOM:s aliens got balls of steel!
Would you look at that seal!
Pretty accurate
Delivering mail can be a *** sometimes.
Don't lose the opportunity
wtf is going on
food eats you
Lord of the Lulz
WiingS is in trouble when daddy comes home
This bible verse always keeps me going
This is very unsettling
This is has to be worth something.
When the inventory screen doesn't actually pause the game
This really helped me find dates on valentines day. TRY IT NOW!!!
Happy V day!
Love from Gaben
Badly explained spider man plot
From what i've been told he was also a 9 gagger.
Savage kids
Roastsss pt.6
A reminder to all you guys on Valentine's day
Mine is Darth Toggaf, coolcool
Feel the love
Sharing those emotions with everybody
Spare no Expense on that special someone
it's that time of year
Best gift for Valentine's day
It was probably laundry day and that was the only clean sweater
Pretty nice accident
my plans for tomorrow
Or how much have you learned from a short wise man?
first damn rule
a title
How to make a gif
For transporting industrial amounts of calcium
The Four Stages of a Lecture...
This kids having a pretty busy day
It can be a pleasant experience
This is how you prank.
Hah. it's funny cuz it's true
Stay humble
No duh
take that Christians!
Blast from the past
The Golden Girls always throwing shade
Bill Nye the no chill guy
The dude's proud of his accomplishment, she isn't as proud
Super Cleaner Sprayer Thingyâ„¢
Today is going to be a great day
Baby Sleep
Being a gentleman
finally a use for these life events
Family logic
A proud father
Rick Sanchez before the fall
Epic bouquet catch! That girl is a keeper...
Life as a Boomer vs life as a Millennial in one gif
"You are definetly the father"
Newfag's road to glory
twas the night before christmas the day before the new year
no this is patrick
gf wants to "feel the bern"
At the Science Museum in London
Get it together Bernie.
What is a girl exactly? I have never encountered one
Proper etiquette
***in' roasted
***ing rekt m80
handsome dude
Ryan Reynolds ladies and gentlemen.
Point for the weaboos
Op's day on Valentine's
The Biotics.
Not enough!
Don't let them
There I fixed it
South Carolina road sign is feeling the Bern!