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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath
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Single Piece to be happy.
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Anti-smoking ad accidentally recommends quitting the wrong thing
MRW I see fresh covered in bots and I force myself to stay and downvote them.
It's shitposting continues...
Lost cat
Ed Sheeran's diet tip
Credits to: RandoWis
Our only hope
Happy International Women's Day!
am I right?
Panoramic shot gone wrong
A Job for Non-CIS Fluid Race-indeterminate tumblr thing
That Face...
Haikus are hard.
drug-sniffing cats
you'll do great by your self
This artist deserves a honourable mention
The Eagle has landed!
Words of Wisdom
A hero
Bette Midler Killing it on Twitter
Fight fire with fire (Roastsss special)
Make sure you always turn of your bluetooth
Learn the difference
Flip your underwear inside out The universe is now in your underwear
Good Advice
so much fun
And with this, Google makes the biggest mistake it ever has/will
Early Bird
You better magic some gold real quick Mr Wizard!
the lying king
Capital Punishment is ineffective.
Division of labour
Mrw nothing is done about the f*ing bots and the Admins are once again silent
Why can't I do stuff like this with my name? Jealous.
"I'd twerk to this is my ass wasn't so flat from malnutrition"
Who's a good boy?
Y'all need Satan
Absolutely barbaric
Buff baby head
Happens to everyone
Club Penguin pt.3
Meanwhile in CN
The Doot Fairy
Yet in a way its also a confirmed critical
Florida is Getting Glitchy
Who wore it better?
honest mistake
With great power...
When you want to find a rich GF so you don't have to work
Sign as you go into Cornwall.
Quentin Tarantino's dad joke in Pulp Fiction
*Evil laugh*
Laughing like the man whose soul got shattered..
Touch with eyes only, thank you.
Good, Jeffy
easter with dad
Not what she meant...
Mr. Skeletal rethinks his career choices
... Or fourth, or tenth
3000 rounds of OC per minute
Tantalus can relate
Which is more effective/suitable?
The Enchanter
Saudi Arabia is Training Aurors
Food for thought
Society needs this
Equivalent Exchange.
Mfw I lost my reaction folder
The 1%
precious oc
Came in a little too hot on the landing...
never forget!
If you see a sock on the door...
You win this round
Too soon?
Some say she is still drinking to this day
I wonder what those off-topic commments were...
This is how we deal with problems Comrade!
A Better Business
Its like Jackson Pollock fingerpainting
Tea Time
waking up with allergies
Throbbin Wood robbin dat hood
Why must beekeepers fight?
If only NASA could find participants for their study.
Canada Right Now
Cats react