How To Be Good At Pokémon!

pancakesofpunk · 4 points · 12 years ago
I think ash could learn a thing or 2 from red.
ShadowStigma · 0 points · 12 years ago
what? for example how to get a pokemon to listen to him? or how to get a pikachu that after fighting 8 gyms in the previous area won't find the first new pokemon a challenge? or to actually keep the pokemon he's trained up rather than start from scratch?
lichy · 2 points · 12 years ago
the irony that most people just use their starters and level it to max level without using any other pokemon.
ShadowStigma · 1 points · 12 years ago
I generally have 2 high level pokemon, just knowing multiple different types of moves so they can fight all sorts of types
and then the other 4 are purely sacrificial, to use a potion or full restore or ether/elixir
and then the other 4 are purely sacrificial, to use a potion or full restore or ether/elixir
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