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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath
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Has sciencism gone too far?
Pro tipz
happened to me twice this weekend
This is a PSA.
/v/ being /v/
When I see others contributing it feels good man :)
Now I believe that Belgians invented the french fries
Stop resisting!!
''who the *** uses Celsius''
How it feels fighting for quality on Hugelol
an important achievement in Zootopia
Anon on CERN
Shi*ting styles
Business in the front, party in the back
Existancialist meme
Acting issues.
RPG leveling
Great Wall of China hates him!
Well done Mariah
catch a ride on my sweet new hog
Considerate neighborhood drug dealers
Squidward Breaks the Fourth Wall
Spankbanking on pornhub
R.I.P Taytay, gone too soon
Where do you stand on taking fries without asking?
must be because it's .79/1.00 less fapable
Get your f*cking sh*t together John
I'm back to shitpost once again!
404 Sky not found
MRW someone tries to buy a gf
That'll show him!
The most correct reason to ban someone, along with people saying the avatar movie was good
A whole new level of Florida man/whale/whatever
Ok, thanks Google.
I'm going on a shitposting spree guys
Life hack!
Hello from the brother side
Herclueless in the Maze of the Minotaur
darude sandstorm
omg truuu
The Candidates Vs Game of Thrones
Using my mad photo editing skills :D
Happy Good Friday - Should Have Used a Diamond
Happy Good Friday guys :)
Like he owned the place
Stealthiest aircraft
Must Let Tom Pick Onion
Anons revenge to who​re​ ex gf
All hail Tay
*triggering intensifies*
Me as a parent probably
Anyone heard of Tay? She only existed for <24h...
Meanwhile, in Ireland
Rapey eyes
Safety first
because logic
If only hugelol mods were this active
how 2 get gf
Diamonds are too heavy
Hulk Hogan is one of a kind.
when she asks you to split the bill
4chan asshat vs. Tumblr SJW
Danish Anwar - so in other words...
Wrong Civil War
Friggin' laser beams
Wikipedia is whispering to me
Public Service Announcement for terrorists
i cri evrytim
Anon having a sleepover with his cousins
Time Travel Prank
Alternatively, Annie could've been a great babysitter
After a breakup
UpvotesGetHowTo or when the community tramples your dreams
Happy Easter
Wise old man (fixed)
He's a clown
Old but gold
Names during sex
Manuelaus was just too dense to let that ruca Helena dump him for a gringo
How to
It's like 90% bots. Where the f*ck are the admins?!
When you get HL gold because your comment has more likes than your actual post.
Who's your daddy?
Cmon officer
Unfortunate Headlines: Serena Williams attacks North Korea
Damn You Lennac!!
Me irl