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Just bough the new DS3
Damn dirty cops!
What else is there
AA can't stop GOD
Be more creative sucker
My imaginary friend is cooler than yours
Bald move
Respect the Milo
As a Lurker MFW I saw HL's new karma system
1v1 me u cheeky kunt
"I've got no favorite son"
My favorite alkaline Earth metal.
Come one come all!
thats not funny
*cries in math*
Hardware that gets you hard
Well im a pro-lifer so I think the fetus has the right to commit suicide at any age.
Asians teach you how to do math
Pepe is love. Pepe is dank
Anal Fiesta
Updooting for dummies
Nature is awesome
Chrome irl
how to start a good essay
[doot doot]
Autocorrekt: Hiding the true emotions
InB4 this gets downvoted to hell
Really confused about the Dootness
damn country thieves
*cue typical sitcom intro music*
Downvoting bots like
When Mr Skeletal drop his mix tape
Deciding whether or not to stay a true lurker
A list of good Adam Sandler movies
I think we need equality
Steam is a dark place
Doot will prevail!
updoot for spooky vacation, ignore for 15 minutes of bad luck
It was just a pank bro
Islam is a religion of peace
Not as easy as my childhood
What happened?
Anon and the tards.
Infinite wisdom passed down from Jedi to Jedi
Childhood trauma
Spoiler alert!
It's just a dooter prank bro
in Mexico Jesus takes all the wheels
i think the major problem was that he killed the ant
100% accurate
Jumping on the dootwagon before it's too late
*** you you don't run me
Yes, I do think I have good people skills. What kind of idiot question is that?
Stop being so picky.
Mrw I hear some non-dooter, non-Mr. Skeltal thanker talk shit about my memes
At the Library
We're trying to have a civilization here, James.
i think he is a little too old
Build a wall!
Top kek
Thanks Obama
A very sharp observation
Target optimization, cater to two groups in one shitpost
Fortune Cookies
Damnit dad
Taking things literally to a whole new level
Don't fool around, call now
I think tumblr needs some lessons in latin
David Cameron, the Prime Minister of the UK everyone!
Oh wait, this isnt Hiddenlol
Anon the pussy destroyer
Well, that was another way to die in the West (End).
Guy Takes Fake Book Covers Onto Subway To See How People React
*Instant building of a wall*
When someone asks me if I want to see some autistic dank memes
Wake up, America
**trigger warning**
Tumblr in 4 seconds
Edgy enough to cut through flesh :^)
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Just do it
Henry the 7th
I whould say the coridor
Sometimes is just it...
Hillary is just that barbaric...
My Grandma
Calcium Pays Off
this is getting out of control