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Lurker without an account since the beginning, who sometimes posts shit tier content that never reaches rising.
5-Year Club

Next Posts
Fairly Odd Shootings
I miss Norm
The hero this website needs
Tall lives matter
Savage af
Noot me up inside
Soo kawaii
Rolling in the deep
That looks so cool, I wish I had a Girlfriend
When there's a fight but they're giving out free donuts
Grandmaster slav passing the squat knowlage to young.
And reposts.
Get mario karted.
Sometimes to many of them.
I'm with the thieves guild mother***er
When you visit Hugelol but you can taste the 9f*ag reposts
Slavic dream house
Really excited for that Nemo sequel
I wish I knew how to count
Dammit /b/ why you gotta prove god exists
Journalism strikes again
Found this on Facebook
Bush did 9/11 not islam
Bet his K/D is like 0.33
When the enemies are fire resistant and you only have fire attacks
Vegans smd
so cute didn't see that coming
Trying to blend in with quality OC
charge the flux capacitor cyka blyat!
Hate shaking hands
First ad in ages that actually made me consider buying the product.
Naming his soldiers.
How to evade a drunk driving fine
Tfw your post reaches 50 points just after the 24 limit has passed
Dark humor is like a child with cancer... it never gets old
Legitimate warning
WEBM is here!
Aiiiii, Papito , Lo Siento Mucho! Corrida, Forest, CORRIDA!
Do your Dooty. Keep it Spooky.
Pikachu is with male Asumed Gender!
Hugelolers be like
I can't hear you!
The aftermath of the ring is not pretty.
Scrolling Facebook be like.
4chan surveillance
Something smells fishy
Frodo's Night Out
My sister is a very dark person
Man's best friend
A nice lifehack
Ho ayeh ybab!
when your sword don't lie
Also, that's harassment.
Bruh same
Jesus got my back
roses arnt a plant
At least she doesn't spit
They wish they were *free* to do that
The International language of $$
don't ever change hummus
Tilting intensifies
lucky tyrone
Mischievous minds are disguised
Selling war equipment to civilians. What could go wrong?
Terror protocol
Old habits
Guess who's getting laid tonight?
Better than Pornhub Premium
echo: wasn't even interested
Too good to be true
He chose his career wisely
And im a transgender who crossfits 3 times a week
old habits die hard
Buying a car
Current Election Affairs
How to stop war 101
*sarcastic title about memes*
only a wall can keep her from sneaking into our schools
Common sense, guys.
What does a scientist's dog do with bones? Barium
F*ck off, I don't wanna get shot
Not soon enough?
Notice one of his eyes is hovering outside his head....
1 upvote = 1 rip in piece
Have a headache?
When Reality mixes with Dank Memes
It's like one of those musical Christmas cards
Is it too late to Gorilla shitpost?
That scarf? With *that* gun?
Bridget the Midget
It's Mr. Steal yo waifu
mother ***3r
the pros of having a Pecus Excavatum