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It seems that no one here really cares about reposts that much anymore, but still: I will delete my reposts as long as you can provide the link to the OP.

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Texting and driving
I saved your life
Aww Elephants <3
Physics, What in Newton's name are you doing?
I do not see why not!
What a fun boat ride!
That's one helluva chain-smoking birdie!
No words to describe
When You See It!
Parkour Legend of the WORLD!\
Gonna fail this one
I would try to at least
Plot Twist....
Tried to act cool.. Didn't work.
Friend suggested we'd watch Twilight.
Right after Killjoke High
Nice Sign
This cat is done
Sarcastic Russian
What the fck did you just fcking say about me!?
Everytime you spot a girl in yoga pants at the gym...
That sums it up.
When your friend leaves you waiting at a party where you don't know anyone
And the winner is......
Me On Monday Morning
This Always helps me
Cure the disease of devices in mirror shots.
Don't f*ck with his food
Meanwhile in a Parallel Universe
Weee.... :D
This was unexpected
Buzz Killington
Best thing to say while getting arrested.
Every time i get off HUGELOL
Childhood ruined
Cold ginger is unhappy
Facebook (1)
Just teeth
Just kidding I never had a GF
Grammar Nazis
Seems about right...
Sean Lock on Michael Jackson's death
That is one beautiful ugly man
When you give up some of your food for someone:
What? What did you say?
I just discovered it, and I was so happy
What the f*ck are you doing here...
How to feel awesome
Zoidbergs Creed!
Wise words!
The power of Swag
Her dance moves are truly inspiring.
Orcinus Assasinus Orca!
The power of the f word
Not enough Bacon, Call the police!
Cats explain the week
"How the hell am I supposed to win? "
Best Slap Ever
Apply cold water to the burn area.
Bad luck Bear
Pepsi Evolution
Well.... she is blonde and will never understand that joke
Elders in History class
Is That My Head?.
Life was really grand as a kid, am I right?
That's where BLB lives
Cheers to that
Parenting done right
Why I'm not in the kitchen.
Awesome shot is awesome
But... it's overly used.
Strange horny Harry
Close Enough...
Error, please restart brain.
Oh Stephenie Meyer - What have you done?
Damn, nature, you scary!
No brakes in the rape train
Wh*res first world problem
It might be getting older, but it'll never be forgotten
Damn Straight
True dat
Bad luck cop
Episode that scared the sh*t out of me!
What Europe invented
Not if you go behind the computer
He reached a new level.
Homer strikes again!
And he his laugh is just hilarious
What Where You Thinking Anyway?