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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Being retarded isn't a choice like being white and privileged
Edgy Friday
I wish it was warmer!
unlimited powa(r)
Take on me
pls help
Ballistic Gel Onahole
My life so far.
True words
sauce and addition are located similarly
Jamescnj1 knows his shit.
New must watch movie in 2017
This man speaks the truth
and they say /pol/ is all bad
Best Hentai
TFW socialist pigs have forgotten pre-revolution grandeur
Studio Ghibli working on Frozen Theater
the greatest tea raid in history
/fit/izen meets a multi bored hybrid.
Damn :/
"Teleports Behind, Nothing Personal Kid"
Hello there !
It's a trap!
subscribe to keeeem staaar
WhiteBones touching a normie
Life is easier // finished my shitpost marathon gn8 //
"put the snow shield down and maybe nothing happens"
Everyday, we stray further from god's light
Russian hacker
makes sense....
Trumps secret Taxation for building the Wall near the Mexican Border.
saw this on fucbook. what are the cons?
Witty humour
sacre bleu
dank memes vult
"You know what they say, better sooner than laser"
7-10 split
Comebacks are great
No Laughing Matter
mama mia
He is clearly wrong, that's an underdeveloped borker
That's what she said
Is shitposting the new meta? Are questions as title allowed?
Deja Vu
historically correct
Oh I member
When the quiet kid jokes about shooting up the school
How to Quit Drugs
Part 1
when you're a lesbian but your fetish is to deepthroat
Since when did being a weeb became a fashion statement?
First Contact
Clap for you
itallian memes are the new dank
Superintelligent AI
We have to go deeper
Match made in heaven
Ugly af
Fear and Loathing in 2017
Indeed it will
and youtubers be like
Pushing the limits of multi-track snow plowing
I'm OP and I have aids
Male privilege
Add from Computer - Add from URL
Every damn time
Important Video
Chinese TV
It's not racist if it's a black guy saying it
Getting back on HL after a year
David Blaine
Kill Me Now.
Everyone likes Sushi
Title is too short. Something went wrong:
TFW you like your steak rare
now on steam
A Case for Katman
when you want to smash the girl that wants to smash your buddy
David Attenborough's Bird Adventure
COD players in real life
It's not a hat, those are real noodles
When the school gets bombed before you shoot it up
How I go home
Black Lives Matter clash with the police in Chicago, 2015
clever title
When people ask for short introduction of myself
Super ultra rare autism
Did someone order an inFusion of memes?
Words of wisdom from Poster of the Year
The answer is Ka Chow
The cucking of Canada
First insult them, then deny their insult
Rita has no chill lol
The truth about Escobar!
It seems memes aren't that fullfilling