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Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
10-Year Club

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when you lost the last bit of hope you didn't even know you had in the first place
Margot Robbie <3
1 like 1 prayer :(
i am the senate
Vsauce is such a smart guy
Best way to use a time machine
Navy Sailor
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo
Like a ***ing deer in the headlight
No habla ingles
when admins ban my ass
there is a trap in the comments section
Hell of an intro
The real victim of Trumps presidency
Me after finding dank memes for the first time
Asia will make America Great Again
Perkele Forces
Sticky situation
Fresh graffiti
I guess it that day again isn't it welp let's begin
Only the Sith deal in absolutes
Dank memes matter
Mfw i've been trained to the transgender arts by count dooku
Checkm8 Einstein
HL comunity be like
Thanks again japan
How people will get to know that I'm dead
General Putin
New here, hope it's not a repost.
Wir fahr'n fahr'n fahr'n auf der Autobahn
Wake up sheeple!
ping too high
don't always mob Trump, he's got a huge fanbase as well
Why did he have tampons with him?
Any last words?
Right between the eyes
And now you know
It's called marriage
A military mastermind... leaked video from the new white house
Catching up on 4chan posts, I've missed too much!!
*bone only zone*
Russian's "Captain America"
But they are five times larger
The sad truth
God's still watching tho
Chuck needs to step up his game!
Nothing to see here
mfw my dad says I can use the goverments quantumcomputer to play minecraft
Dan "Show me your feet for a 10 inch treat" Schneider
Biden and Mice
Emperor Trump
Overwatch Hype
Russia celebrating the inauguration of trump
Samaritan youtuber
Trump has revealed himself as a memer
Pasteurized, 100% Organic Shitpost
Mein Vogel
I identify as a Spooky Scary Skeleton
When you try to noscope that prayer
oddly familiar dialogue
Barron Trump stealing your girl
I kekd
Blockbuster of the year
Trump it up!
Time for Great Memes!
when your freedoms dont restrict you and capitalism is the best system
Trump's presidency n all
Checking out Ivanka
Classic CNN
Pussy Hunter 1914 colorized
Looking forward
Italian soldier hides beneath the remains of German bodies *Warning* GRAPHIC
Now you are eating with portals
There is always two of them, no less, no more
Duct Tape
If every over-used meme on HugeLoL could speak.
He didn't choose the autism. The autism chose him.
I wonder how many black people can relate
Can't run from the law
No mom I don't need a therapist.
When you report the Mexican maid of your exgf
Neither please
Stupid things you did as kid
never too old
anouncers voice* Lets see if he can stump the Trump or feel the Bern
Being retarded isn't a choice like being white and privileged