Dave, you need to Start asking questions ...!!

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After returning from a temporary ban
Mind the gap
A quote that has stuck with me during the hard times in life.
When you buy nice outfit in Russia, but don't know English
/tv/ is honest
They're ok now though
When you lie on your application but get the job anyway
Some people don't appreciate kindness
I have found my lord and savior!
Witcher 3: Wild Hunt was better
Um, I remember learning that before I was 18
Don't ***ing talk to me until I have my coffee
Come on dad
New Old
How you doing? :D
haha... wait
Masturbation is Satan's typewriter
Doggobi-wan is the best doggo
sick guy!
The switchup
A true pc gamer breakfast
"Oh God, not again.."
The closing manager left us this note for when we got into work this morning. Rough night.
Canadian air support
Basic instinct.
Scientists have discovered a brand new form of cancer
Literally Hugelol
What did i say, B's are not the one
Answer My Riddle, or Die
Spooky Scary Shit
I'd swipe right
Becky please
My sister found this at the church carnival and she doesn't see why I think it's creepy
Someone has their priorities sorted out...
Don't Stop The Ep 3 Memes Now~Genjuice
Thats not the jedi way
You guys are getting paid?
Please. My wife. She's very ill.
here goes my shitpost of the month
Thanks a lot dad.
Talk about family issues
ha ha ha... I swear this is ironic...
Hugelol user engages in social interaction
And people say that modern art is dead
When you are a crusader but you lowkey watch anime...
Some crimes are worth it
Some of you are alright, don't come to school tomorrow...
Don't angry react my memes
Best show
The Hacker named "4Chan"
my favorite type of plottwist.
capitalist pig
memes are great. they're like sex, except I'm having them
Telling Your Twins Apart
My mate had a play fight with his 7 y/o son in which his son lost. He later found this on his son's tablet search field
You'd think a t-shirt like this would require a certain model to wear it.
Just doo it!
I don't like who ever named this part.
If bears took senior pictures
Cremation has it's benefits.
Low cost cosplay
Actual billboard in Des Moines
That day Seth McFarlane got 5 Dicks on prime time television
Good ol' days
A New Yorker Comic
*** that alligator
Good Lord...
When it's so small...
Times are tough - even Dr. Evil is taking public transit.
Yeah sure whatever
Still my favorite scene from 30 Rock
The disclaimer on my nephew's cotton candy
Found this on my facebook feed from 3 years ago. Still hilarious.
Bob's Burgers had the best judge ever
Tale as Old as Time
I googled 'circle beard'
She'll never notice
Avocado Warning coming to the Midwest
Sovereign citizen (sauce in the comments)
this is i r o n i c
My son wanted to know what kind of phone this was
I just drink socially
Sir, is this yours?
Outside a bar spotted in Paris
Just.... one.... teeny... lick
Wek me up
Thanks for the advice, sonic.
Dont steal mmmkay
Memories of the past...
Today, Squidward will lock himself in the freezer to see the wonders of the future
2018 inc
Awkwardly wondered why this guy was staring at me for 10 minutes only to realize it's a frickin poster
Oak Nuggins
Cooking Buddies
Leicester has installed a new sign in the car park where the remains of Richard III were found.
This guy loves my business!!!!