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I try to post oc when i can,when i can't i transform into an western spy ready to steal your valuable meme info
Casual Poster

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Open the pod bay doors Michael!!!
Let them dislikes come
Okay, Christians. If God knows everything, then ask him the answer to this.
Idk if this has been done before
Insert image of guy with glowing brain
Anon's autism gives him a premonition
Jeremy Clarkson murders Big Willy
when you just ***ing love blowling
Whenever i stumble on a minor inconvenience
Punched lasagne
Quack, Quack, want some Quack?
Oh poor Shia there is only one way out of this now
When it rains in Australia...
When your Gf send you an update on the people working on your house.
Radical, man
It's the plot for a new Rom-Com
Bamboozled, yet again
Glorious German Engineering.
My child was asked what she would look like at 100 years old
The pigeons was crowding this horses bucket, so he tipped out some feed for them.....adorable
Baked Potato Cosplay
Poor newspaper titling
steph curry my ass
Duck you, I won't do what you tell me.
Delivery bork
A 2017 kind of photo from my sister's wedding
When my dad won the game for millenials.
I like this little girl
A car recently crashed through the front of a movie theater near where I live. This is the sign they posted.
perfect meme for the perfect weeb
Anon gives us a lesson on normalised memetics
Found while driving through a back road in Missouri
Friends uncut
the dilemma of a hugeloler...
/b/tard asks a question
my dad was told to "dress appropriately" for his team meeting in the Churchill War Rooms
True heroes are come in many shapes and sizes
Her backhand is deadly
Every hugeloler wet dream
Saw this when leaving my wife's Ob/Gyn office
"Excuse me Sir, do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Saviour, Poseidon?"
Heh, memes
Looking for housing in the Bay Area has me like
Next week on pornhub
I know that feeling.
When the microwave cannot be trusted
Dodging responsibilities
Have a taste
Yak from UMass Slamherst
Finally, an accurate weather forecast
Don't judge.
Bamboozled again
o rly?
This place serves food as hot as your neighbor's wife.
I appears that someone was unhappy with me recently.
"If I can do it, anybody can."
I asked my 8 ball why I should use gmail
Stephen Hawking's research concludes that memes can be ressurected
How to explain cannabis strains to non smokers
Holidays without kids
Boy oh boy
Simpsons predicts the future every time
And we haven't even touched Logic Analysers...
yeh p sure
'Bate, line, and sinker...
Now back to me
Dobby didn't die. He went into Witness Protection.
Was in my twenties when my wife and I walked into this store.
God loves doggos
Great April Fools Prank
Even if you're normal.
Look at the fancy man with a fork!
***ing Home Depot live chat
Media vs. Reality
2yo, male, mainly interested in other huskies but am open to all breeds
I'm vegan!
My wife wore these socks to take our infant daughter to the doctor yesterday and wondered why she was getting wierd looks.
Laughs in subtitle
A good reason to wear glasses
This is why Samuel L Jackson is the best actor
Swedistan as green as Saudi flag
Seen at Gorgers Taco Shack in Ithaca, NY. They make some damn fine tacos, and apparently dark animated comedies.
Allison The Bamboozled.
Cathy, I have no idea how you got this number...
Rice now brings people together
Anon says something relatable as shit #1244539521
so true :ยด)
Someone in my office got crafty for Pi Day.
The wifi at my school
Piracy is NOT theft. It's piracy.
Handy Hand
This comic is irrational