You may be in a bad neighborhood when you are afraid of someone stealing your gas station hand dryer.

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Oh boii
Kickin' Jeans
Only Monty Python
My mum says it's the best place in town!
I'm going to surprise my bf tonight, I hope he says yes!
Top 10 anime transformations: Nr. 1) Cory In The House
When someone ask you to hold their baby:
When your bag hates flying more than you do.
Looks like shes in the prime of her youth
The New Yorker has no chill
When a villain buys a car
4000 years...
May want to give those plans another look....
That's a pretty mild fetish imo
Hugeloler's when they get back from their ban.
Anytime KitKatā¢
Oh I see , its the zombie cat
How close i am to losing my shit.
Snek stuff
Shopping in Utah
Hello darkness my old friend
Total not OC...
"Oh shit, I think it was that way"
At Disney, daughter said "Mom take a picture of me giving Rafiki a kiss".
I'm a big fan of the office and today is my birthday party.
that awkward moment when u dindu nuffin
Cat: Woof WoOf | Believe me I am a dog.
Every time I see the sign, this is the first thing that comes to mind
This woman insisted taking a picture with me. I'm 4'8".
Instructions clear
Now I'm curious...
2016: I'll get productive in 2017. 2017: Refreshing fresh till katman delivers
Perhaps this guy shouldn't be driving
101 spiders
My younger brother just got married last weekend. I am now the only unmarried sibling. I think the photographer was able to capture my awkward pain.
The true meaning of friendship.
Shit fam
Forever a six year old
Ma'am, I can see your tag through those pants...
My southern husband objects to the soda I bought
Level one MMO characters...
Excessive noise of a sexual nature - University of Auckland
To be honest, this was not what I expected when I was told it was a swingers meeting.
Bloody Hell! The $60 Bloody Mary .
Whenever Someone Steals Your Meme
Recruiting techniques
I wanted to know "how do blind people know what colors look like."
Just found the reason to get a selfie stick
This cat looks like Nicolas cage
Happy Everyone's Suddenly Irish Day
Angry Crow
All of a sudden I understand these cars
Magnificent :')
Better study Law.
Husband asked me to exchange our antenna for a "less judgemental one".
Stop being such a little *** Steven...
Yes she loves you
My stepbrother has no friends so my stepmother asked if I could photoshop some in to this picture for her. I don't know how to use photoshop so I used MS paint instead. She wasn't impressed.
Don't be rude to the guys paving your driveway
Well.. Uhmmm.. I presume
The French and German on this cup looks questionable...
Icicles within my brain...(COCAINE)
How Irish people travel in London.
Every family's Netflix account
How to deal with a gambling addiction
Don`t look at the Silver Lights
Don't pick up random lizards. You just might get robbed at pinpoint.
I sprained my ankle yesterday and have to use crutches. My wife sent me this.
A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one
Oh fucc
So I just corrected/improved the bedding display at Macy's
Welcome to Michael Scott's Restaurant
Sneaky Boi
How I make friends.
When live give u oranges stop winning at Splatoontournaments
The world wide web
Kanye 2020!!!!
As it turns out, face swapping my husband and mother turns them into an old lesbian couple.
Jean Claude Van ***atiel
im getting sick
Seen in Green Bay, Wisconsin
This kid is going somewhere.
Obsession with bedding other players moms*
I miss you Jon Stewart.
Not only was he swinging, he was on a leash. The most patient cat ever.
I pardon you :)
Not a single *** given.
2 Chewbaccas or Two-baccas
In honor of St. Patrick's Day, let us never forget Mallory Archer's traditional Christmas bonus.
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