When you're blind but your friend tagged you in a meme

repost of https://hugelol.com/lol/438795
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Oooo... Oh, my bad!
Looks like the kids are doing good
I'm increasing in attractiveness...
The Hugeloler's way of life
Pretty Tough
"How old are you?" "I don't know, 10 or maybe 45."
This guy gets it.
DQ wins. Shut it down.
I wonder if his *** looked like the Walmart logo
Well this is fitting
Something went wrong: Title is too short.
Credit Card Machine Is Not Working
This speed trap doesn't seem to be working very well
Meme Theory 101
You had us fooled, Cera
Please stop.
We got cameras for the house. The cat does not approve.
Hamlet 2017
My bad if repost
We must get rid of our chains comrades!
Population per capita
Someone is probably losing their job.
are u a wizard?
The Nguyen sisters
School is hard.
If you're drinking to forget...
Is OC i swear
You never know what you'll find in a used textbook...
Pretty spooky
Siri is a certified life saver!
When Life Hands You Lemons...
I guess he thinks the rules don't apply to him.
Just urban dictionary
Asked my daughter to stop mean muggin the kids outside, she then started mean muggin me
1982 Gerard Depardieu and John Travolta looks like dumb and dumber leads.
What a nerd
Bubble tea
The way this movie theater sign is laid out
Braille memes are the dankest
Oh btw season 3 ep 1 is out
My Facebook memory from two years ago made my day. Best Amazon review ever!
Im off to Shoneys
Well... Shes not wrong
Easter plagiarism
Nivea's marketing is on point.
This lady sure is squirrelly
Can't wait
The future is now
Best Darth Vader quote
So my friend went out last night, woke up to this...
When you have leukemia and celebrate the fact that you die within a month with a cuban cigar
Who are you kidding?!
we are doomed
and i allready uploaded it
Mfw you're a dead meme before you even started
And down we go...
when your jobis boring, and you are still a child inside
so much likes
Duffman...took a break
This is sexist
Monday Lisa
Just waxed my car
Systems of measurement around the world
My next haircut
Just take the god damn deal.
Don't be these people
This Chinese inspirational poster
when you are the first to arrive and you see the school shooter passing by
Have we been looking at it wrong this entire time?
Will you...
Ah, so that's how it went down in the meeting
Don't make me slither over there!
How popular is Rick and Morty? Popular enough to change Google top result
I Love you Japan
Nice chrome wheels
My sister's April Fools' prank on her husband.
Survival guide
Our big bad Pitbull, hiding from the lawnmower
Possibly my favorite picture of all time
Tin can eyeball fist planet? I don't get it
This grocery store has a serious shoplifting policy.
It's Batman. Seriously.
Jojo reference
My perception at work
Better than Pandora
What's your address?
Szechuan Sauce
Looks like a nice place to post up eye to eye with a stranger in the Miami Airport.
Man vs Mutton
Ghost in the Shell movie description in my local paper
The most 'Florida' thing I've seen during my trip to Orlando
It couldnt do this, if it was a black oak
He's finally back :')
Canadian plate
In spirit of syllabus week.
I wish for a quick and painless death.
What a time to be alive