I always have to read this page VERY carefully to my kids, lest they start asking uncomfortable questions

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Kitten refuses to be disrespected
Daughter went to the bathroom, I see this right outside the door
Went to the sperm bank today, and they gave me this lollipop
Leaked image from new Crystal Pepsi commercial
I don't think this is what the teacher was going for.
I just feel so empty inside..
When you're on the 538th page of porn hub and still can't find that video from last time
Someone slashed my friends tires at work today...
just got married…
Heavenly cute!
Most men dont wear anime shirts but
Classic Cheers
"When I try to achieve something"/"At least we have memes"/"MFW..." choose any of those
Can anything be that good?
Texas anti-scratch cone
What an adventure!
My new glasses have a cute little message.
This ***ing house
It's my birthday and I needed feminine hygiene products at work. My boyfriend delivered in the best possible way.
The problem with the new beauty and the beast
Freudian slip.
Holy shit, how fast was this rollercoaster going?
Mor, mon
Got more game than me
With wit this sharp, Tom must be a real cut-up.
Well that escalated quickly
How do they ALWAYS know you're taking them to the vet even if you don't say anything?
First Person Shooter
Reaccomodation in 2001
I should have lived in the dorms.
Thanks for all the fun times but...
Easter Bunny Paints Wrong Egg
Cat Tail Speak
My son showing my step sister how he does "10" on one hand. Couldn't have turned out a better picture.
Anon stays the night
Mi Cabron
Islamic state of Iraq and Syria
The real reason an Aston Martin costs so much
Roses are red, a frog says ribbit
Pretty risky homework assignment for first graders...
UA did nothing wrong
understanding people
Alright, Tina.
Told my 2yo she could have ice cream if she cleared her plate. She got her ice cream before I found this.
parenting is tough
Re-reading the first Harry Potter book, and I just realized Fred and George Weasely were hitting Voldemort in the face with snowballs!
NAPple Store
ol' reliable
When someone spends $50 just to contribute OC to the site
Don't tap glass...
The company I work for wouldn't buy the guy that runs the shop a new rolling chair... so he improvised and rides in style.
The joys of children!
CJ, you were the chosen one.
This sign on a persons driveway in San Francisco
I don't remember that part of the movie...
Its like United!
They said it was custom; they said I would never have a shirt fit like this...
Easter. I just don't get it.
Saw this on the way out to dinner
Amazing New Workout
Great fun for all the family!
Simpsons at it again
*Insert Darth Vader Breathing Noises*
gain o'clock
For all the feminists out there
You'll be shocked!
The beauty of nature...
***ing casuals
No shits to give about elevator pranks
the best way to fly
Hope you don't mind
Mi Cara Cuando
me coming back from the raveyard just in time for Kat's Post (watch whole thing)
Not enough United maymays.
The misunderstood dialect
Good Boy
Shekel Shuffle
Funny "prank" left for my sister as a housekeeper.
Social activism at work!
This is the real god !!!
Just got this snap from the mother-in-law
Bepsi = illuminati?!?! D:
When someone orders a pizza and leaves this...you help them out.
Roses are red, violets are cool
Welcome to heaven Charlie Murphy.
A post about planes that's also not about United.
Erection protection from police detection
Hey TSA! You're touching my guy all wrong. It's the wrong tone. Do it again, I'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron.
How u know it was a good nap
i love them more than ever
Reasons why vampires prefer virgin blood
Not sure who looks better.
Today on United Airline
Hung proudly on display in my sons first grade class.
Vintage Birth Control Ad