Leonardo DiCaprio is approaching his final look

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Will my turtle die if I suck it's penis?
It could happen.
United Airlines be like..
But that's the opposite of what anchors do.
Nicolas Cat
Every single time...
Keep it coming!
This is what happens when you have one sister who is a professional photographer and loves animals and another sister with a mini zoo. You get professional goat maternity photos.
Heat stroke
Field trip anyone?
This is one uncanny resemblance
I Have Something To Tell You
They already rushed B
High grade
Giving money to friends
He's risen!
This honey bun tryna phone home
When someone touches your neck.
Time to turn on the lights
The internet started breaking the moment this woman was born.
Now there are princess rules?
What do you mean I insult you in my memes?
Jaden Smith creature
New marketing Strategy
"I think I'll walk my wolf dogs in my kilt today"
When you realize the real joke
Welcome to the shadow realm, fool!
Police are savage
The Resemblance is Strawng
Sansa Stark vs Petyr Baelish
AND I get a lollipop???
How Transformers are actually made.
Dear Sir...
When it's your first time being a substitute teahcer
O-oooooooooo AAAAE-A-A-I-A-U- JO-oooooooooooo AAE-O-A-A-U-U-A- E-eee-ee-eee AAAAE-A-E-I-E-A-JO-ooo-o
this book store
Very Clear Water
Bill Nye the party guy
Just a little snack sweetie
How my 54 year old mother took her selfie
Someone was barking up the wrong tree
Made me laugh a bit
Soccer mom.
Fast & Furious 15
My friend's cat decided to sit in front of the tv while they were watching Mystery Science Theater 3000
My mom just got these at the restaurant she's at
A group of vegans about to hatch.
No further questions your Honor
They're so cute at that age
Complete that bunny costume just in time for Easter.
I made this.
After a good brushing you end up with another cat
The KatMan has delivered
How about that...
Had to pause Netflix to catch this. Kind of disappointed now. . .
Or anime tiddies
What can I say? She was a strong 6!
Get into the Holiday Mood!
Porn should be solar too. The baby sun from teletubbies is E X T R A T H I C C
I'm a simple man
''Guess Who?'' is a bigoted game.
Pretty legit...
Hey girl can I take you to coffee and have you back at a reasonable hour?
Everything is awesome
Quality Oc my fellow Caucasians
My daughter really loves sticky notes. Last week I brought her home a bag full of varying sizes, shapes, and colors for her to have fun with. Today, I came home to this...
Dolla Dolla Bills Yall
The man who created autocorrect has died
3rd guy was taking the pic
Son was thirsty. Still thirsty.
I'd eat there
Everyone is here thanks to their ancestors
i whish i could get some
Karl promoting his book
100 Value tho...
Never has there been a more American headline.
Was behind this car at a red light.
Wendy's Twitter is gold, to bad they got rid of spicy nugs
Whisper something dirty
A sad and tragic ending...
In 1979 Robin Williams became the first ever male cheerleader for the Denver Broncos football team.
Why are fire trucks red?
So why did the chicken really cross the road?
Did you just...
A cat stepped into paint and then left it's paw prints on this car.
What Fast 8 is really trying to tell us...
The best thing I've seen all day
Before and After Coffee - Spotted in Krakow
I guess now we know where the white walkers came from in Game of Thrones.
When giving it 110% still gets you an F
Exclusive MOAB footage!
Appropriate way to use a cracked screen
My mom sends me this with the caption "*** misses you"
Sign inside an elevator.
IKEA assembly instructions I can get behind.
私は、脂肪の男だったが、実は私だった河野 dio da と思ったら
Saw something similar to this the other day. Thought I'd chip in.
traps are gay