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Overall, the thread reflects a mix of personal achievements, struggles, and mutual support within the community

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Son was thirsty. Still thirsty.
I'd eat there
Everyone is here thanks to their ancestors
i whish i could get some
Karl promoting his book
100 Value tho...
Never has there been a more American headline.
Was behind this car at a red light.
Wendy's Twitter is gold, to bad they got rid of spicy nugs
Whisper something dirty
A sad and tragic ending...
In 1979 Robin Williams became the first ever male cheerleader for the Denver Broncos football team.
Why are fire trucks red?
So why did the chicken really cross the road?
Did you just...
A cat stepped into paint and then left it's paw prints on this car.
What Fast 8 is really trying to tell us...
The best thing I've seen all day
Before and After Coffee - Spotted in Krakow
I guess now we know where the white walkers came from in Game of Thrones.
When giving it 110% still gets you an F
Exclusive MOAB footage!
Appropriate way to use a cracked screen
My mom sends me this with the caption "*** misses you"
Sign inside an elevator.
IKEA assembly instructions I can get behind.
私は、脂肪の男だったが、実は私だった河野 dio da と思ったら
Saw something similar to this the other day. Thought I'd chip in.
traps are gay
im hoping this meme is still fresh
The ol' switcharoo.
when u get 25 consecutive kills
Saw this today at local brewery.
I like it Heavy
I hate how contradictory/hypocritical people can be...
The Chase
My brother decided to take up painting today
He's a friend from work!
Too late...
Just trying to find a picture of some knuckles for my osteology class...
Relentlessly gay
a good friday with dad
You no my son
Spite 101
Happy Good Friday.
Oh, deer...
Mr. Ping is back
I dont think the stakes have ever been this high
United service
Dig up more rare pepes
In the spirit of Easter.
If I had a hammer...
how i got born
Look at his smile, he still remembers.
"Real friends don't exi--"
And of course we want stories
We can repair anything!
Google isn't a snitch
Subtitles got me like..
Ayyy lmao
I want to know how he does it
Traffic Jam
Deus Vult!
From an Irish satire news site :)
dumb title.
How do you play this on an ocarina?
Caught red handed
AM I RIGHT? (don't look at my other posts)
best airlane
Ketsu wo taberu
Me after saying to myself "I don't need a shopping cart"
Don't duck with me
Kidnapped boxes in Dallas
This isn't getting old yet...right?
I always have to read this page VERY carefully to my kids, lest they start asking uncomfortable questions
Kitten refuses to be disrespected
Daughter went to the bathroom, I see this right outside the door
Went to the sperm bank today, and they gave me this lollipop
Leaked image from new Crystal Pepsi commercial
I don't think this is what the teacher was going for.
I just feel so empty inside..
When you're on the 538th page of porn hub and still can't find that video from last time
Someone slashed my friends tires at work today...
just got married…
Heavenly cute!
Most men dont wear anime shirts but
Classic Cheers
"When I try to achieve something"/"At least we have memes"/"MFW..." choose any of those
Can anything be that good?
Texas anti-scratch cone
What an adventure!