After 21 years of painting eggs, my mother became less and less enthusiastic about easter.

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Happy Easter !!!!!!
Pothole Problems
Self-Aware Milf
My GF woke up before me and swapped herself for the dog. I was thoroughly confused for a second!
Heisenberg's at it again
lol. so true.
Updated United's in flight magazine on my trip to Puerto Rico
You think you see it... but then you see it
Well played Sainsbury's....
Hopefully I can make someone smile with this post
Please tell me this hasn't been posted before
Average Hugelol user
Kendall Jenner giving Hitler a Pepsi to end WW2
Breakfast of champions
Branch Manager & Assistant to the Branch Manager.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Alternate Ending
Vanta Black Lab
inarticulate mumbling*
A romantic anniversary gift from my husband.
That Ass Doe
"I'll never need geography. I'm going to sell wine when I grow up!"
Hloler driving a challenger
Do what you love and you'll never have to work
>my comment section when
Summary of why we had to make Hiddenlol
Saint Schrödinger, the forgotten disciple.
Funny animal dumppppppp
Siblings. . .
USSR National Anthem: Be glorious, our free Swampland!
What would you have done
And they say being a Doctor is hard. . .
textdoor neighbour
Silly wabbit
it's really the right thing to do
Something something weaboo
Must be a German design
Who's the mastermind behind this?
Anon predicts E3 2017
"You should get a degree it will open so many doors"
tuna disposal
Initial V
Just savage.
crazy weekend
This Easter, let us remember the D.E.N.N.I.S system.
North Koreas failed missile launch.
This guy really embraces his last name
Wrong Kit-Kat
I wonder how long it took the owners to notice
The Face book virus threatens to consume all.
I'm sure I've seen them somewhere before.
This apartment building is all over the place
The plot of The Lord of the Rings, summed up by Mikey
This is my friend from high school announcing they are having a baby.
Friend snapped me this today
Investing your retirement wisely...
Our future if dogs learn weapons handling.
Wow Life changing!
Leonardo DiCaprio is approaching his final look
Will my turtle die if I suck it's penis?
It could happen.
United Airlines be like..
But that's the opposite of what anchors do.
Nicolas Cat
Every single time...
Keep it coming!
This is what happens when you have one sister who is a professional photographer and loves animals and another sister with a mini zoo. You get professional goat maternity photos.
Heat stroke
Field trip anyone?
This is one uncanny resemblance
I Have Something To Tell You
They already rushed B
High grade
Giving money to friends
He's risen!
This honey bun tryna phone home
When someone touches your neck.
Time to turn on the lights
The internet started breaking the moment this woman was born.
Now there are princess rules?
What do you mean I insult you in my memes?
Jaden Smith creature
New marketing Strategy
"I think I'll walk my wolf dogs in my kilt today"
When you realize the real joke
Welcome to the shadow realm, fool!
Police are savage
The Resemblance is Strawng
Sansa Stark vs Petyr Baelish
AND I get a lollipop???
How Transformers are actually made.
Dear Sir...
When it's your first time being a substitute teahcer
O-oooooooooo AAAAE-A-A-I-A-U- JO-oooooooooooo AAE-O-A-A-U-U-A- E-eee-ee-eee AAAAE-A-E-I-E-A-JO-ooo-o
this book store
Very Clear Water
Bill Nye the party guy