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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Wile E Kim
I never showed my wife my senior photo until way after we were married.
Front lately
True words
I guess Gabe didn't really think that one through...
Shameless repost of my doormat, which is a constant source of amusement for pizza delivery guys/gals.
its like staring into history
My 9 yr old daughter shut her middle finger in the car door, it's not broken, but the x-ray will live in infamy!
Lots of gamma rays outside today
The German language in a nutshell
Thank *** for that clarification...
Thank *** for that clarification...
Silly salad
We live in a beautiful world
There are 2 types of cats...
My friend is a Marine and a bassoonist
Human Patch 2.0
Look at me! I am lion now
Words that aren't in the dictionary but still make logical sense...
Dem moves tho
Introverts in the wild
Just made some synonym rolls
طرد الارواح من خديجة روز
The Ugly Duckling
That caption...
All y'all need Jesus
Lab manager's desk
Of course they are.
Took a photo of my buddy while he was fishing. I call this one "Damn, she found me."
Cue the cheesy porno music.
These margarine brands are getting ridiculous
"No we won't!"
Me too thanx
Saw this while attending my grandmother's funeral...
Get that gay shìt outta here
Jesus surfing with his dad
I wish I was better at Minecraft...
When you have absolutely no idea what you're doing.....
IKEAs brave new butthole inspired art direction.
It's lit, fam.
title of post
Na na na na na na na na nailed it!
A letter to Michael Bay
The slide at my local zoo is a prolapsed elephant
Pringles time!
The memories...(They gave me free pizza)
Because Hooters was already taken.
probably better to just not ask
Step 1: Hunt; Step 2: ???; Step 3: Eat
Ecks dee
My money is on the chicken...
Well...thank you
Italian trees
Comment section of samurai jack video
Recently found a letter I wrote when I was seven years old. I had not yet learned to contain myself.
Fossil found! Still 80% battery left...
Apparently Easter was rough this year.
He has risen.
Did you know????
hit TV
Apparently there is a new choice next to a burial or cremation
Those costumes sellers in Japan
Oh Sir Patrick
Irrefutable proof
We were hungover as *** on Easter Sunday, our nieces thought they were hilarious.
Poor guy probably spent the past decade trying to share it but no one ever replied to his email.
The outfits and props in porn are amazing
Thinking about what kind of bleach should i drink
when the autism hits you hard
Child Predator revealed in public
You dont know the struggle
What a lousy umbrella
end cyberbullying
Happy Easter from your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man!
Concerned Doot
Draw a Line To The Correct Answer
History of Religion
FSHSNW coming soon!
*Insert cancer emoji here*
הו, כן, השקלים שלי
Now there is wine instead of hot air in that noggin
On a scale of Mark Hammil to Slavoj Žižek
"Every email in Egypt will be deleted" Exodus 11:5
I was running low on hair ties and asked my mom if she could pick some up next time she goes to the store. She said "Clean your room, first," so I did. Touché, Mom, touché.
Pyongyang's high-rise buildings as seen from Google maps: just flimsy facades facing the highway
Cards Against Humanity got a little real at Easter dinner
Nabisco has lost its goddamn mind
Amen Jesus.
Hero Falcon saves Sleepy Squirrel from falling off deck!
Cross fit
Boner blood
But Darthy, its more fun to find them yourself
Happy Easter!!!
Saw a familiar face on a magazine yersterday in office