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Overall, the thread reflects a mix of personal achievements, struggles, and mutual support within the community

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India's top athletes
I think Shrek would win
How I was greeted in the office one morning.
The Bass is Bochka
Comedy gold
Not exactly what he expected
My reaction to the Katman face reveal
Just found my new lawyer
For educational purposes only
Craziest excerpt from a 6 page resume HR sent to me for review.
The Galaxy S8 hate on Korean
Seems like a good choice
Reese's report card
Tu tu tu tu
The hotel I work at just had a new front desk installed today by "professionals."
My roommate bought a saddle for his motorcycle on eBay. This was written on the box. Bravo ebay seller.
That was... unnecessary
Oh snappapapapa
When I tell my mom I don't plan to have kids and she sends me this.
Dont buy shoes via internet!
What happens when you overlap two English coins.
Has to be said.
why are titles a thing
My grandfathers deck only has feminine trap cards
When you finally decide to be positive
Seeing Katman posting a normie meme
sweaty face emoji
#420 #blazeit
Whitebones celebrates reaching 100 000 karma
Just to be sure
The birthday card I received from my vegetarian brother.
The Shrekposting never ends
Player uses communism... It's super effective (in theory)!
sosad pls prey
source for anime on the bottom right is Cory in the House
Work on your penmanship, kids
I never noticed the similarities...
your move top 1% kaiba!
This magazine columnist...
Snuck this into a paper about "sexual morality".
An old army friend of mine made the news...
Mathematical limerick
Happy 4/20
Bullying done right
Nothing is written in stone
A GSI took notes on what students do in class...
The main reason i'm a NEET
Basically me on a diet
How to get velociraptor
Undeniable Proof of the existence of Dog. Who's a good boy? Praise be his name!
The longer you look the weirder it gets...
Taco Bell knows what's up
These subtitles are really helping, thanks.
absolutely haram
One of the fifth-graders I work with made this in his science class. It wasn't even for a grade.
Seriously guys. Grow up.
Gotta admire the self-awareness here.
Amazing that it can just drop to 0 like that
Don't know if that's the right kind of protection...
Slavs got a big opening to celebrate
New Spiderman Trailer just leaked!!
Leslie Knope's brownie experience
This sign seen at the bank.
The real holiday of 4/20.
intensity intensely intensifies
Apparently me circa 2001 had the same fashion sense as Ricky from Trailer Park Boys.
Thank God I'm not from this village!
Starbucks New Magical Drink
DONT FORGET! Happy 4/20
Pretty sure you save a lot more than that.
When you're a Totally Spies! And Jerry calls you.
Let me tell you about your "Sign"
Breaking the code
Remember to chew at least 40 teams.
Just saw 2 vegans having sex in public. These people have no shame
It'll change you, man.
Caught a squirrel trying to break into a car.
One of the local police departments has a very good sense of humor.
Every 4/20
My favorite English poet
Sage words
Despair is inevitable
Make it go away pls
The best wingman you could ask for
You're so cute when you are wrong
Thanks for NOTHIN'
✞✞Y'all need Jesus✞✞
I've waited a very long time to post this juvenile image, and that time has come.
A little girl thought I was walking a baby Panda at the park today!
Best Caller ID ever ... seems legit
I always loved Phineas and Ferbs humor.
Is there a mars bar down there?
True love