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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Yamahahahah, I wouldn't doubt that it actually went down like that
Thor or .....
Not A Human
Can't win with daughters.
The moment that both my phone and laptop are dead
Don't act like you know me
That waffle looks really dangerous. I think you should let us handle that for you.
Inspirational painting by budding 10y.o. artist. Yard Sale-$2
When the quiet papal funded kid screams DEUX ENOUGH!
get a grip of your life people
Seize the moment
Came across these creepers in the museum
We were at the zoo when my wife yelled "Look, a bobcat!"
This machine has seen some shit
I'm really sorry..
its lit fam
Naval Ships have a sense of humor
How the fυck is cyberbulling even real? Just close your eyes niga
The artist of this cartoon forgot an important detail about Batman's origins...
My favourite faceswap ever. In tears.
Never use google translate!
Don't do drugs kids
Watching Rugrats and I nearly choked
Emotions vs facts
Me complimenting people
10:00 take down an empire - 12:00 take a dump on the street
My dog looks like the girl from that meme
Self acceptance is important
The Church of the Flying Bowling Pin
Solar system according to flat earthers
When the priest brings out the big guns
That's my secret Cap I'm always ironically nihilistic
*knock* *knock*
Shitty deal
When your 13 year old son is clever enough to swerve his tech ban by jumping on your work laptop when you're out of the house, but not clever enough to clear his search history...
no nosing
Yard Sard
The man in the middle
I feel my keyboard predictions paint me in a negative light...
Can't wait to see the new movie from Scley Ridott
Jim Carrey impressions
These senior guys ready for prom.
The Millenial Falcon
When your teenager is clueless
My girlfriend showed up to a party for my birthday dressed as me
Essential item in the "childless woman in her 30s" starter pack
When you told your grandma you bought a new car
Pub sign near me
Smart title
Best job application ever
These guys win the "recreate a childhood photo" award
Shouldn't it be Battlefront II 2 ?
Hey, can I copy your homework?
ore wa chin chin ga daisuki nandayou
Little bother
seriously, this woman is a danger to children
Popular Russian Skazka
Meanwhile, in Chicago...
They're just trying to help alleviate you of your evil.
People who hate Joposts
A normal day in the park
If You Can Read This…
You may not like it, but this is how peak performance sounds like
Thanks. --The Dept. of Redundancy Department
Jesus got rekt'd
What in ternation
So what holiday do you think this is for?
The day has come.
My Father-in-law is visiting France. I asked if he was blending in with the locals and he sent me these 4 pictures.
The real fast is - the world is very dark dark place
How to instantly improve any cookbook
Asssss yoooouuuu wiiiiiish...
Who actually thought this was a good idea?
You know it's spring in Canada.
I don't think I can take this anymore..
Oh the joy!
Do you dare to upvote
Probably relieved.
When you join jamescnj1's and LHton's private groupchat.
He shouldnt underestimate their power
When you are tired of being touched and called cute
Let him fight!
Turtles proving they're bad-a$$
Dollar Hat
That's one hell of an acronym
You merely inherited the fitness.
Tastes like cookies?
Music has gone down hill
a master of his craft
Jesus is back, and he's not cruci-f*cking around
Science experiments
What all the professors hear right about now
The Shin-Chan generation
Frosties by Kellog's
Pre-sale preparation
Boobs vs grades