Was making a quick trip to cvs. Wife said , "Can you get me clear nail polish..... Don't worry, you'll see it."

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These kept me alive throughout my whole life..
Google will always be there for you when you forget that persons name
My friend, who is a 5th grade teacher, received this Thank You note from student.
Do it.
When your mom makes your Halloween costume.
NAD Lyfe! ✊
The perfect recipe
I'm a Star Wars fan, and my wife a Disney fan. She had an idea to stack our novelty cups.
Which is obviously true
That's really good to know Janet
Autism simulator
Why read the title, when you could read the post
"I checked EVERYWHERE!"
The goddamn disrespect
When you're not paying attention, and the teacher calls on you
Used faceapp on my dog. Im now terrified..
I was trying to figure out what a certain kind of stones were for...
Minecraft is my new bae.
When the housing crisis becomes too real
Wait, did you say 6'4"
An Emotional Stripper
You done messed up...
So cancelled a subscription today
Isn't our solar system beautiful?
Amy Schumer Steals Jokes
Library secrets
Sounds like one of us
Wen You Get To Much Sand in Your Shoes
See comments section for the truth.
It said "one size fits all" and I called bullshit... I owe cvs an apology.
First line of defense
Me after visiting 4chan for a minute
This Guy Can’t Stop Photoshopping Himself Into Kendall Jenner’s Instagram Pics
Every damn time
I hope I get taken out soon
How this design matches up.
Head phones
Monty Python Life Of Brian is still relevant today
13 reasons why I should eat more Chinese food
Segways, crocs with socks, and pumpkin spice latte.
One of the many street easels in Portsmouth, NH
I get knocked down
probably gets mixed up a lot
Señor El Arroyo Sign; right in the feels.
Taking My Job
It only took two weeks
The most prized family heirloom
That's what she said.....
Believe In Your Beauty
I feel you, Randy
dog memes that will make your day
The Marriage Question
[Happy tooting]
A normal day in Sweden
Telehubbies. My old colleague was having a BBQ with friends and his wife captured the perfect moment. Sorry Trey :)
Gotta go fast
R.I.P Canadian bathrooms
oh, sorry.
Saw this at uni today
My girlfriend told me I take to long in the bathroom. So this is what I came back to when I was done
Pls no ban, not real tiddies
Fresh OCs from Anakin's tears
My life
Title of your post
When you smoke before you shop
Bad Pet!
Not buying anything from this pharmacy.
I mean...unless you're into that kind of thing.
Maybe the otherkins were right all along!
I identify as...
Anon shows his story
Oh, hi Luke!
Poor guy's just looking for a spice grinder!
Makes me batshit crazy
Ass ad man
asking the real questions
They've matured
Dog begs for food
Magic indeed
My sketch from high school, when I thought I was an artist
All of you know one of these people
Only the Irish it seems these days.
Essentially Covers It All
The Purple Ranger
Introducing the undisputed heavyweight champ of the world...
Heroes are human-ish too
Unexpected Item
Congratulations to France.