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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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One of my favorite Calvin's Dad sequences. As the son of two school teachers, the last panel was many nights for me, as a child.
Part of the plan.
Where All The Unicorns Are
low effort meme
The Church I can get behind.
Ikea's doing it right.
I share an office with the IT guy. So many dumb questions.
Slash and Axl weren't sure about the first draft of the lyrics.
Poor flavoured
That dog stole my girl
How long until they tell her ?
Poor kid has no idea.
Sunsets...enough said
I bet 2017 will have flying cars
They'll never find my Anime Tiddies USB!
My money is on Ronald
HL community
Gotta earn that paper kids
Why must you produce such horrors internets
Family watching TV
Wonderfull weather we're having
Ctrl+C ... Ctrl+V, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+V ... done
American Mix Skittles.
Wait is that a verb or adjective?
... you have my attention
Good cat
Poor Spider-Man.
Capitoli capitoli give me the money
I don't regret this...
Unexpected headline of the week.
Nito is best girl
Witness true power
Why all this fuss?
Just because you can doesn't mean you should
Hand sanitizer in 3..2..1...
once, people had thick skin
We're gonna need the whole squad
After years of laying around the house like a vegetable, Leroy has decided he now fully identifies as one.
Fiscaling indecent plumbuses
I'm almost confused
If being normal means I have to give up my memes then forget it
Do your best!!!
Me irl
Get the stones
My attempt at solving the food crisis, so far unsuccessful.
Dammit, Alfred
Status: Single
A Special Set of Skills
Could I have embarrassed my wife and kids any more?
Teen asked me if I had a bogie, and I was clueless that it meant cigarette.
Annie are you ok?
Asked my friend to travel to Zimbabwe with me to alleviate poverty. He didn't know he'd be spending his summer sewing reusable menstrual pads
Just Derby Things.
"*** this shit I'm out"
I love you guys
My dry cleaner refused to clean my pants because of cat hair and this was written on the tag.
I found a glitch in the matrix.
Cheat on you, I never did.
We all know the feel
The greatest Venn Diagram ever made
A lunar eclipse according to flat earthers
Pepe Rises on the 3rd day
o - o
PSA: Dads, if you find this in your daughter's room... it IS a curling iron.
Meet The Focker
This is, without a doubt, the single greatest Teacher Appreciation Week gift I have ever received during my five year tenure as a second grade teacher.
Our receptionist has had this hanging at her desk for years. She has no idea what this is really a photoshop of.
I dont know if this belongs here but I laughed.
Top marks to the deer on the right for a magnificent set of antlers
I'm pretty sure they don't even know each other #FinalsWeek
Flat earthers always make me laugh
As if death was not enough...
Make a left at the firehouse
TV Guide telling it like it is
identity crisis
Definitely the best scene of the Star Wars franchise
Went to visit the nice wild ***atoos in Australia
The stars have aligned...Snapchat finally worked on my duck.
As you can see, history was not easy for me.
Alright stop, refrigerate and listen
Uno, dos, tres! Funny and original!
no brakes on the shitpost train
This message will self destruct.
When she don't see the B
The Tumbr is aggressive
She'll never see it coming
getting that masters degree
Amazing exchange rate
This might be missing a few pieces.
Damn bourgeoisie!
I love how dogs do stupid things and look so proud
She'll never go home with him