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We must exterminate the Xeno, the Mutant, the Heretic and the damn Bots.
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When Mom still makes you wear matching outfits even though you're 60...
Can confirm...
Picked up this little number at a museum gift shop yesterday. Have a buddy's housewarming coming up and plan on sneaking off to install it in the guest bathroom...
I feel you bear.
My cat before and after I tell him "he's a good boy"
Outstanding in his field...
The classics
Inspired problem solving
Googled "Female James Bond" and was not disappointed by the results
I love Chris Pratt
My GF's dad likes nature wallpapers and this one was "pretty" he said.
I can't tell if he really likes or reeeeeaaaaaalllllllly hates Mastiffs.
My son's Mother's Day gift.
Visiting Paris with my boyfriend and his brother. This picture pretty much sums up how it's going so far.
Let's talk.
Don't play games with Sam Jackson
Poor flower placement.
Lmao Any Car Guy/Girl Can relate :)
Restraining Order 101
It makes perfect sense now...
3D printing getting out of control...
Jesus' Dating Profile
Parent is critical of child's weight
Lots of people post their dogs and cats looking cute... i have Shrimp. Here he is after devouring a meal. He made a mess by shredding his food with his pincers and throwing it around in front of him.
[idk something really edgy]
When your dog starts to spend too much time with your cat...
I'm suing!
No one asks if you're Boss.
What men really want
I don't think that's gunna cut it
I bought the bed for a puppy, I rescued this guy last night instead...
Another good ending!
Save money and improve your health!
It's a mystery to me
Shitter's clogged
On the Surface he looks calm and ready
My experience with chrome
My friend is house shopping. She sent me a picture of this listing's beautiful koi pond.
El Dorado cosplay.
Stay positive
Posting LotR while everyone is still obsessed with prequel memes
Get wake people
Guy blocked the driveway in the parking garage I'm in. This note was on his car.
praise kek
Nice to have a buddy when you're pissed off
My neighbors crabapple tree.
dis a point
One of my favorite Parks and Rec moments
When the lighting is in the wrong place.
What If Humans Were More Like Peruvian Spiders...?
another one
Looking for parking space
Somehow our dog opened the upstairs screen door and ended up following our cat onto the roof. He required consoling before coming back inside.
Another Great Find!
Not the place for a mirrored ceiling
The Norwegians got it
Logged into my dogs daycare webcam. I guess he felt to lazy to go outside.
khajiit is innocent of this crime
My cat keeps stealing my roommates shit to give to me as gifts.. today I received a sports bra
Biggest pet peeves in movies for me are guessing passwords and this:
And it's really wiggling, too
Seen at a friend's while dogsitting
He knows what hes doing.
Scrolling through restaurant reviews and this scared me to death
Man, I never really realized that I was THAT old.
Is that a threat?
Karma is a beautiful thing...
What the heck...?
Flying for NASA can be stressful......
The sickest shit fades compared to those shades
that's why I don't use 4chan
Make earth green again!
c'mon, i need some skooma
New workout plan.
Pleash shtate your bishnesh
Flashbacks to the Botwars
The way this puzzle accents Cinderella's nose
The art of war
Thanks, I have nightmares now
For Mothers Day
It's all worth it in the end
The Power.
Halo 3
Motherf*ucker is making us look like the rest of the Greek alphabet
But can they do BBQ?
It's only going to be 102 today at least
This is how my roommate paid his rent
Pay cheques come and gooooo
Lemonhead goes for a hike
when implementing your ideal consistently results in recession, scarcity and mass killings
that guy that says "im not racist but..."
But when the world needed him most, he vanished...