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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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The future is here
*My* favorite 30 rock moment
When you don't realize how big your head is until you take a selfie with a friend.
Mystery Meat
It takes many tries to get that perfect photo
No one can deny...
Ready for summer!
If there's something Japan doesn't do, It's sugarcoating clothing sizes
Shoot 'em up
When the memes is so meta it trancends its creator
Hacker insight
Can you post some good OC? No.
My future kids.
That time I flew all the way to USA to see the Golden Gate Bridge
Bro didn't agree with me being the senate
and I thought the Tsar was bad...
A book my friend bought
Ah, Belfast.
When you leave 8 minutes early
Checking the mate
I have no idea what this sign is trying to warn me about.
Smart man!
Kids in the 90's playing with their PC
Pi eating contest
Timeless classic
what happens with escape?
Michael an me have at least one thing in common
when he promises you that A but all you get is the D
Jeopardizing the relationship
Corn Breakdancing
You are a wizard Rico Rodriguez!
Only in Canada.....
Please be safe.
Life with teenager best friend brought pie for dessert...
Most people had never heard of Edward scissorhands lesser known cousin, bamboo saladhands
National Unity
Hotel Room Survey....
Leaked image of Paul Walker moments before his death
I can only dream of a death as legendary as this
Actual pic of me.
Mother who already gave birth to twins gives birth to quadruplets ... the dad's face..
Some professors truly are brutal.
Don't do it, Scotty.
too much
I snapped this pic of our puppy mid sneeze.
My favorite 30 Rock moment.
robot vacuum and dog poop doesn't mix
I think ape will win
Star Trek was always full of space adventures...
Help me i am stuck in comfort zone
Where do i buy the minecraft diamond fidget spinner?
For your safety.
The Mongolians are still trying to invade Chinese territory to this day.
Everyone needs some blyat to their cyka
Chickens do weird stuff
Roses are red, the sky is teal
Why a Hawaiian shirt, when you can get a WHOLE SUIT!
Poor guy
They dated after he finished his homework.
I see your trip to the Grand Canyon and raise my trip to the Swiss Alps.
Hey buddy, you wanna buy some constitutions?
Jim Carrey making faces in 1992
Eastern European Public Transport
I'm recovering from a Unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy . My friend made me this stuffed animal to help me recover.
Must of been some sort of ride
For lease navidad...
poetry at its finest
The cat think he is lion
I've tried it, it works.
IS is going marine
Love at first sight.....
These face swaps are getting out of Hand
Wishing Well
-_- ---> O_O
Oh this is my kind of movie
Best use of a printer logo
This man was a national treasure.
stolen meme
shooting blyat
I too have a daughter going places.....
Not a scum
World's largest USB drive
Wtf dude?
LPT: When packing up for a move, always properly label your sex toys.
The face of a broken man.....
You know it
I'm a firm believer in knowing your market.
Ran into a guy on a conference with a doge. He handed me this business card, and told me he worked for a bank. Then he left.
at least he will die soon
The most subtle joke from futurama.
Savage College Student
When your cum sock starts smelling so you have to throw it away