Instead of Millennium Falcons or fire trucks, my 8 year old son builds Lego bars with drunk patrons.

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Forest Whitaker
He wasn't ready
Bad dog
It's Dare
Best bumper sticker I've seen yet
Strong independent boy
And do geese call goose bumps people bumps?
The Award Winner
Inception Cat
hl3 confirmed
The German language
Divorce selfie
B for Bravery
This actual photo from a home listing...
El presidente
Dog svidaniya, capitalism.
Having a bad day? You feel like an idiot? Good news, there is worse, way worse
This Sign gets it
A proud accomplishment
Worth it
I definitely didn't steal this
Stealing memes is hard
4 Wongs do make a Wright
Bloody Normies
Furthermore, i am a connoisseur of the meme.
How to win a girl over
Farm field trip
Moptimus Prime
Hope you ready for the next episode...
Why isn't this thing drifting?
...Look at me!
So I get home from work and these guys are doing this in the park across the street. Life is Awesome
Terrible restaurant, the Jedi are horrible managers, I told you we shouldn't go there Anakin!
Hahaha feminism
Not sure why everyone is freaking out about these male rompers. I've owned a pair my whole life.
loving this new addition to google translate
Here's an example of a killer turtle.
The original parking sensor
Cat tries coffee for the first time.
I saw this kid at Walmart and can't stop laughing.
My 5 year plan.
Taco Bell gave up.
I guess I'll try it for shits and giggles...
Meanwhile at a Target in Australia...
Post of your title
Hol up
This sign was in a Chili's restroom
anon gives good advice
Friend let her kid try some Starbucks. She sent this to me last night
A question for the ages.
The ultimate sitcom formula.
When the teacher won't let you bring your fidget spinner to class.
He already has a pipe in his pocket.
If it fits I sits. Even if it's in your pants while you pee.
Dog: Password Me: Who's a good boy? Dog:.... You may pass
Now it all makes sense
Girl power!
How I love movies
This meme needs to stop
God did comlubine before it was cool
Hmmm not sure I trust this one...
I can't believe you've done this
knock knock
You can make a religion out of this.
But did he post it on 4chan
He had a feminine penis
Future Police Sketch Artist
My math teacher back at is again
when the edge is stronger than the weebness
Chick-fil-A uses only the freshest ingredients!
Cannot unsee this
/fit/izen wants to impress grills with his mighty autism
Hey guy, good recommendation for you all!
Saw this pic making rounds on Twitter, and people actually believe it
The original fidget
That's one way to take a photo.
Same as always
Even the dices don't want me to cuddle & kiss
The Flash's origin story.
He thicc
Waited 35 minutes, I completely understand.
Ninja Warrior - take kids to work day
Archer and I are both on a rampage
I shouldn't find this funny... but I do...
Friend fell asleep studying in the library
Communism is the only weight loss program that actually works
Quality Beef vintage ad
This guy made me laugh so hard!
Sounds like a nice man
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