My very elderly father needs a walker but was afraid it would make him look "disabled," so I made a fake ad for a "sports" walker to make him happy

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"Oh, your tent has a waterproof seal? Mine has 8"
Gimme that cute face
It's evolving
This year's must have toy!
One of the many reasons I love Futurama!
Usher would be proud...
Hey are you....? Wait never mind.
Potato face swap has to be the most terrifying one yet
my experience with tinder
Wife is leaving town for the weekend on a "girls trip"
You had one job
Gaming dilemmas
Be a dandelion
A day on HDL
Real footage of a girl teleporting
Meet me in Yashed
Standing out at a job interview
h-how did you know ?
Does this not look like Jimi Hendrix appeared to my friend on his hamburger placemat?
I was going to google screech owls but it autocorrected to suspicious owls and I was not disappointed.
What we watched today in history class.
The school's mormon girl has an interesting yearbook quote...
That's what you get for parking like an idiot!
Let them be a reminder
It took me too long to realize that this is beer in Spongebob world
Took me literally
First stop after leaving Flavortown
Shirts given at school for last day by library
Only health book you need
The writing on the bathroom wall.
Once a happy family.
We've started getting Bud Light in the UK. My local supermarket is keeping it next to the water.
No I don't speak sowwy
Top 10 anime betrayals
Lay's Lager
Gotham's favorite family man.
My brother paused "Cosmos" and Neil Degrasse Tyson look pretty gangster. "Ya'll mah***ahs are stardust and sheeeeit."
Bride Who Is A Computer Engineer Doesn’t Have Any Girlfriends, So She Invites Her Bros Instead
On my English teachers door
The name of this fishing boat
Classy Shots
Dirty laundry
Stay safe out there...
Ok lets go
My friend's American football burst and he found out that it makes a great looking turban
My favourite Bond quote.
The wooden mirror
Holy Car
Dis is not a puppy
Memes write themselves...
Adds insult to injury
Finally! Long way to go.
Welcome to the rice fields mofos
When you're struggling to make the minimum word count.
Bless you
alcohol is gud for you
Why can't I find a girlfriend like that?
Red Formans words of wisdom
Give cyclists space.
Probably the first thing we teach the aliens too
nice recovery bro
I wish I could joke that well
Instead of Millennium Falcons or fire trucks, my 8 year old son builds Lego bars with drunk patrons.
Forest Whitaker
He wasn't ready
Bad dog
It's Dare
Best bumper sticker I've seen yet
Strong independent boy
And do geese call goose bumps people bumps?
The Award Winner
Inception Cat
hl3 confirmed
The German language
Divorce selfie
B for Bravery
This actual photo from a home listing...
El presidente
Dog svidaniya, capitalism.
Having a bad day? You feel like an idiot? Good news, there is worse, way worse
This Sign gets it
A proud accomplishment
Worth it
I definitely didn't steal this
Stealing memes is hard
4 Wongs do make a Wright
Bloody Normies
Furthermore, i am a connoisseur of the meme.
How to win a girl over
Farm field trip
Moptimus Prime