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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath
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Who knew toilets could be so specific?
Double standards....
This cafe near me has slightly odd business hours
MFW someone says traps arent gay
For Whiterun!
Are you beach body ready?
Dumbass pulling out on wrong thing
This is a hospital
I need a doctor
Watching a Live Stream
better than xanax
Good heart is all that matters
Something looks a little off..
She's a tough broad.
These guys sit at this table every morning. The restaurant owners made this sign to claim the table for them.
Smells like POTUS spirit
We saw this while out walking
404, and nothing more.
Saw this sign at my new workplace. I think I found where I belong
This can't just be a coincidence, can it?
bad boy
Frogs taking Uber
Getting laid is hard work for guys in any species.
Let's go bois
"Sometimes I miss N... no, not even here"
About time!
Classic Mr. Bean
Meanwhile, away from middle earth political memes
Somebody made a financial decision here.
Is this cut with something? Why is it brown?
A modest reward.
"I want her to be a princess... no, no he has to be a farmer are you daft ? "
When you had enough...
A change up
What Kind of Turtle is This?
Maybe it's a pokemon thing?
The Greatest Lie Ever Told
This eight-year-old is going places
Pizza Time
That Smurf knows what's up.
the last lunch of high school
Couldn't resist. Hail Dickspud!
The proper way to make Kale.
Retro gear.
He's not wrong you know
So the 2 year old is potty training and this is what the 10 year old comes up with. "It's a trophy for when he is all trained."
New dickshit gym gear
My husband asked me to get him some Archer Farms trail mix. Now I know how you guys feel when we ask you to pick up tampons. My sincerest apologies.
Batman reveals his true name
This is a private sign.
And the award for the best lifeguard goes to...
Where do you see yourself in ten years?
When your party is a Monk, Cleric, Bard, & Ranger
Keep the Spice Girls away from Richard
Reasons Guys Want to Lose Weight
Accurate. Very very accurate
do you play gta
Subscribe to Dolan Dark
Mr Clean The Bodies
My wife's rat dog doesn't let me poop in peace
Nailed It
I ordered a 3d printer today. These were the shipping choices.
For those who love open source browsers...
Consistency is a funny thing.
Putin > Trump
This needs to stop, love not hate
my sides being destroyed (circa 2016)
I surprised her by taking her to where we first met!
My kid created what I thought was an angry-rage-boner-poop-fly guy...
It's Rover , Raggy...
This is an amazing show.
Have you come out to your family as OP?
This was at my college library entrance.
"OP, are you a fag?" - "Uhhhhh..."
Some objects must remain objects
In regard to sexism, Batman is spot on.
We are Sikh and tired.
When a train breaks down in Australia
Water tower painters decided to stop painting for the day in Sussex, WI.
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what a woman
A seal with a data-logger on its head.....
Yearbook quote level: Fred and George Weasley.
Obviously the second pic was taken with the glass sideways and then rotated -_-
Username has already taken
Friends got me and my wife this as a gift. Peace among worlds!
No Homo Man