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My previous account was banned for posting a rape joke. Original account creation 2013-06-04 18:03:52.

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make the devil leave that person
Ah yes, the classic lava game...
Posing with statue taken to the next level.
No f**ks were given that day
Boss unlocked...
sh1tposting 101 2
sh1tposting 101 4
I just wanted my nails done........
This poster in a movie theatre.
:)) feeling comfortable
Chinese never fail to come up with innovative, original ideas.
I always felt safe in that shopping center
Been getting a lot of raised eyebrows from co-workers
There's Kickflip and Heelflip, Pop Shove It's, Hardflip's....
My brother graduated yesterday, here was his senior quote in his yearbook.
Be a good boy and stay. I'll be back in a few.
frodo wants to fast travel
2 years diet progress!
Just another day at the DMV
Not sure if Jonah Hill lost a lot of weight again, or if Shaq just makes him look really small
"shots fired"
Food isn't allowed in the living room, his tablet isn't allowed in the kitchen. He beat the system.
The floor is starvation
Something makes me think this isn't exactly what he would have wanted
I Always Just Used My Finger
Sunday night
This poor kid has no idea...
How fast can we reach the meta stage of this meme?
Trying to get my new son to hurry things up!!!
Quoth the server..."404"
110% oc
Stop Sine
Somebody didn't read the instructions.
Two gay dads
i ***ing HATE when bathrooms have this type of urinal... they blow piss everywhere and it's disgusting
When a girl thinks that her foundation covers the acne
This CAPTCHA when creating a wikipedia account
Hanson, 20 years after the release of their hit "MMMBop"
My nephew: "I need another donut."
Mexican restaurant advertising
Dating is tough, even for a fish
proven by Scienceā¢
First time I've ever cried with laughter over a photo on imgur
Party store by my house is already done with your shit.
But retro is in
No matter what...
Love is painful lol
Shitposts Daily 17
Jesus, this show looks pretty intense.
Bath time
Later that night
A young man came to my door selling these for $5. I don't know anyone in my neighborhood who didn't buy one. This kid is going places.
A Christian Server bicth!!!!
why is this me all the time even after the joke dies down
You've fulfilled your duty soldier, now rest
In New York City the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.
Give Me a kiss KITTY.
Young me holding a baby sheep for the first time
Bear tax.
You can deliver both hats and "3s". Take notes gabe.
Ricky Gervais trying to give money to charity
Probably not the most appropriate ad for the video
Just this bomb ass dick
During a Mid-Day Meal
Parking Karma
Adam West as Batman doing what Batman does under pressure!
Look at the big tentacles on Brett
Dave Chappelle from "The Age of Spin"
Numba 1 question
When you don't know the answer to a question on your final but refuse to leave it blank.
RIP Adam West. This was his phone book listing in Ketchum, ID where he lived.
Anybody want a peanut?
The treaty between our two great species is now complete. The hug heard around the world.
WhiteBones sure knows to rave
Found this buried in my cloud.. I smiled
Whaddup, it's ya boy
This made me laugh out loud
My aunt made a knitted toy for my son. I added toothpicks.
All because Fraser wasn't in it
sh1tposting 101
The cat is an a#*hole
And quite a story it is.
Gaben is a master at this game
Not Today
When your Grandma finds your vibrator and your Mom takes the picture. Lesson? Lock your apartment.
PSA from Franku
broken title
That's a huge wiener.
Have a seat
Turn back....It's a trap!!!!
If Harry's mom wouldn't have met James Potter.
The Art of Adapting.
Old habits.