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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath
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If only all warnings were this honest
you either die as the son of god or live long enough to become the villan
Spa day for the girlfriend
I always feel like somebody's watching me, and I have no privacy!!
My favorite Gabe line aside from "ciao"
All I do is post
memes never die
People who put too much sugar in their tea
You had one job compilation
Be Careful Where You Park Your Bike
The LED Sign Outside my School Today...
Ron Swanson on Gravestones
My mom sent me this from the zoo today.
Actual footage of VonBaron vs SeniorTacos shitpost battle
That damned smile
Duck Swap
Happiness is for losers
Found this doorstop in the lobby of my building.
Found the aliens and what they think of us
My daughter, who made me the"Pancreas Get Well Soon" card, made a comic to say "good-bye" to her appendix
This is and will always remain to be my favorite faceswap.
With a name like that it's more of a calling than a profession...
Found on my rental car - 1. Get gas 2. Shake once 3. Receive turtle
Face swap that is funny and terrifying
I cried
I feel like this parcel tracking site is threatening me
Octopus Prime
The Boeing X-Thirty Hoo
This dad who — when his daughter got a text from a boy asking for a photo in her bra — sent this photo back instead
I wonder if this helped, or made it worse lol
Apologies if you've already seen a lizard balancing berries on its head today
Genius I think
A friend gifted this coffee mug to my dad
This generation...
Today should be dedicated to Cancer Awareness.
Datenight... didn't say a word to each other for the 15 minutes between finishing their appetizer and getting their pizza.
My type of crayons
Love is love
I am a man of my word
Let's build here
I've been using this computer at school for months, just noticed this...
Corner Gas was such a great show
Johnny Bravo the original slayer.
/GetMotivated ...or just fake it.
Welcome to Hawaii
Every Cloud has a Silver Lining
Do you want them to die?
this tragic story
Please share to raise awareness.
The guy who sells my company propane and propane accessories has this on the side of his truck.
My local gas station's attempt at humor. Gave me a chuckle.
Is my.. Is my fortune cookie telling me to jack off?
meme broke
He relaxes there for hours.
What you really mean
I declared it.
Couple games
Engineering done right
How adequate
Sorry, I am late for work. Thank you.
England flooding aftermath.
My buddy was signing a waver and asked the cop what the date was at a 4th of July Festival
My dog made quite a face during family pictures.
My dog wasn't happy when a drunk friend decided to sleep with her at 1 am.
Face swapping done right
I guess we will never know
its a scam
Finally! I'm in a Relation Ship
That's not how I remember it
Guy showing off his onion at the fireworks.
Am I the only one who sees something in this logo?
When A Medical Student Forget His Headphone
it's transcending
Which state do you live in?
Number 1
When a frog and a taco get caught in some weird turf war
Made me chuckle. Sorry if it's a repost.
First ever documented time travel
Happy 4th of July Everyone
Garbage inside and out
I love you guys.
Good day
Number 1
This has been the worst meme template ever
Laughed pretty hard at this.
Food snob perhaps, but yeh I only eat boneless
Thomas at the end of a long day.
Ron Swanson. The person we all strive to be.
Extreme Pulp
good, Better, BEST
Black Berry
Billy Ray Cyrus looks like Mac on It's Always Sunny now
oh snappa