You know your pops is committed to dad jokes when he stops in the middle of a six hour drive in Wyoming just to take this picture.

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Access granted!
Little Rusty on my Yoga
Barron is our future.
She can move in any direction, in case you didn't know
To finish for today, Loli-Trap-Shad-Edgy meme [Meme battle with VonBaron (5)]
5 years later, this is still one of the best pictures I have ever seen
Looking at you whitebones
The empire strikes back
Hidden key
Condoms aren't totally safe.
Peter Parker? Haven't heard that name in years.
After a long day of meetings at the G20 summit
You can't put that on your license plate...
Safety check
"Ma'am, tell your kids to stop kicking my seat....if they want to keep their toes....."
*joke regarding boobs*
HL Admins
some guys should never shave their beard
Jokes that no one gets 5 years later
Apparently all 7 of our puppies really love watching movies.
So, can I park here?
Will.I.Am's insanely bad 900K car
Oh rearry? Found in Chinatown, Los Angeles
Christmas in the 80's ***!!
Joker has his limits
The most interesting vet in the world
A brief look
Rocket to Mars
Can't kill this guys vibe
Gladly HL only make OC
Fitness program under control so far...
Seinfeld on Manslaughter
When you get paired with your crush in a group project
Ma nigga
Fan mail
Holy Guacamole!
Why people in Oslo like beer more than Jesus!
Cookie Monster Eat!!!
Looking forward to this year's eclipse. Very glad it's not the third type
This is why Homer is awesome. What do you understand, but have little or no sympathy for?
Bravery at its finest!!!
The rules of tennis.
Brought tears to my eyes
"Ah, not a bear in sight"
Not you
This was in my local dispensary in Portland, OR. WEED can KILL!
Deliciously yummy
Am I sloganing well?
Majestic as fack
Maybe he wasnt Rotten, maybe he was lonely, like us; a hugeloler all along
When she likes you but just as a friend.
She's modeling now!
Well that was a waste of money...
Google Maps captures gruesome feeding scene at Warner Robbins Air Force Base
Saw this at a mini golf course's snack bar
Skyrim: Released for the seventh time edition
s a d
wow its been out for a week wtf
Thats a bright future
10% of my power
That moment of panic.
Luckily, there were no casualties
We're #1 !!!!!!!
Michael Scott on Inception
Must be rare
I’ll do what I want.
Never forget, this was allowed to happen 4 years ago
Fire, you are no match for Home!
Wait folks! we have a surprise entrant about to take the lead!
A lil late, but AMERICA!
An Honest Discussion
Round 2
Irish Philosophy
Wow they guessed mine
Selling potatoes for a very modest price
I still think they're dumb, but this is quite the point.
There is nothing that Serena Williams can't do.
This dog has a dog on its ear!
The best way to deal with the police...
Nobody can stop me [Meme battle with VonBaron (2)]
My Starbucks server left me a secret message <3
This sign in the toilet area of the construction site I'm working at.
Destroy what destroys you!
A story told in three parts
So they asked me to sign a retirement poster at work.
It's a team effort!
Ancient Greeks inventing Philosophy in their time of leisure - circa 624 BCE (colorized)
If only all warnings were this honest
you either die as the son of god or live long enough to become the villan
Spa day for the girlfriend
I always feel like somebody's watching me, and I have no privacy!!