Any man can be a father; it takes someone special to be a Dad

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Pepsi will always bring us together.
Ransom in 2017
Leo bald is basically just Jack Nicholson.
When a girl needs help
You know you can trust this animal hospital
Das wacist
Hopefully no one reads this straight across from left to right like I did...
This appropriate advert on the other page
Girl thinks paparazzi is taking photos of her; doesn't yet realize a supermodel is right behind her.
When your life is going great.
Why were we taught this in school?
I have a job ...
When his hand faster than his head!
The face of regret.
My friend just returned from a 7 month deployment. This guy had my favorite sign in the crowd of friends and family.
Why can't I, plato?
How to make sure a child cannot access parental controls settings
A mother's struggle
PSA: Check your beer bottles for wasps when drinking outside in the summer.
I think someone's jealous
Since my wife got a new car, I thought I'd splurge too and upgrade mine to the CLI edition.
ATM security level: Grandma
This really made my wife and I laugh for some reason...
Enjoy the dinner with us
Being left handed is a special kind of torture
Anti-theft equipment for the US market.
How to Pronounce "Gif"
Flour Storage
It must have been a moist mixtapes
Serious inquires only
On the topic of face swaps...
Eclipse viewer
"How did you even get to be Captain?"
Statements that are clearly untrue...
Found this... One hell of a celebration
Whooooo let the dogs out.
Someone vandalized a railroad crossing down the road from my house.
Everytime I grab my newspaper
My coolness levels peaked in the 90s.
A real redneck
This cameraman making use of the man in the background
Guess he got tired of running.
Shop closes for a pox eclipse
An unknown Australian soldier's cigarette lighter during the Vietnam War
Anon should be shot on sight
Keep attacking the statues, see what happens!!
Have you ever seen anything like this?
"Fast" is a relative term.
I don't want another Man of Culture-tier shit memes here
This Ad
How T-shirts are designed
What happens when I tell people I'm colourblind.
There is no wifi on the ferry in Iceland.
When your food fights back
August 22nd, everybody gonna be like...
F u r r i e s
When you can't sleep everything becomes funny
No baby on board.
The Clitoris
Is this template old enough to count as nostalgic?
Children must always be first.
There's a mural in my town that I swear is an old man exposing himself to some ladies.
When you can't line it up.
Woke Up
I always respect women
Googly eyes really makes character expressions better
The very rare Round Tuit
We’re we doing license plates
Are you ok son?
Crushed it.
You have my business
Pose of the year
Girlfriend wanted me shave hope she still likes me
Amazing Customer Service from Cheggs
We're not allowed to charge our gadgets at school. My classmate thinks he's clever.
Work is passing out eclipse kits
My best friend. don't touche it
I know she loves me
Today was ranch day at the high school.
Custom jerseys done right
No sleeping allowed!!
My friend deepthroating a coke bottle in public
Always cite your sources
saw this on the car infront of us...
Had to tug a bit, but I found the skimmer!
Cat thief
researchers found out distorted screenhot memes get more upvotes than just screenshot memes
Am a teacher. A cat got into our building today...
I didn't know horror stories could come in two sentences.
Bionicles ain't done anything racist
Tell Cersei it was meow
Let's have a little barbecue son