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Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
10-Year Club

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What kind of animal leaves tracks like this?
this is the worst template we had since the last one
Someone actually took a slice of this. Why?
The new CSO of Equifax.
Trust me I'm trying
When opportunity knocks
Improvements may be on hand.
Even at 79, you can still love memes
Google's humour is still in alpha
Happy stranger photobombing aeroplane Snapchat
big money son
This real Ron Swanson
Rare photo of katman
Rebel Against Rebellion?
Bill and Steve.
what exactly is happening to this show?
Gotta love the Irish
Existence is pain!
Makeup Really Makes A Big Difference
I dont understand why he just doesnt teleport behind him
Welcome to 2015
He'll come after you if you put pineapple on your pizza
Anon likes feet
the barista hates clint
Posted by Adult Swim
Maybe this will teach them not to park like an idiot.
The Blade.
Be gone
I found a new Spotify feature
How I Met Your Mother had some solid cutaways
Important process
"Mystery Flavor"
IKEA's family restroom
All around me are familiar faces
Nani indeed
Boyfriend asked me to patch his shorts, left a little surprise on the inside...
What separates the men from the boys
What a weird recipe
He took up 2 spaces but bought two tickets.
A statement of fact
When you're having a good day, then you start thinking about life
/v/ discusses mario
The secret to owning a Porsche.
Real slick, Cosmo and Wanda.
Save a seat for friend !
I am the Danger!
Prince George
How IT professionals see all end users
My new coasters just got in!
Thanks Facebook!
Scrat from Ice Age
Bob Saget's daughter looks a little familiar
Fight against slavery charity is looking for someone to be a slave.
My brother cleaning the fridge after the 4th day of no power
Teenage motivation
Happened in Belgium
sadly true
This can has a great idea
They aren't even trying anymore...
Good boye
You disgust me, Ronald
My landlord put this sign up in our elevator after a drunk tenant left his mark on the bulletin board
Silly Squirrel seeds are for Birds
Shitter was full!
Found this on IG and had to share
Gravity gauge looks good today
American institute billboard in Croatia.
Unfortunate sign location
Keep it safe
Just lean up your seat, guy
Gandalf the white
They get me. They really get me!
Me at work most mornings
You kiss your ****** with that mouth?
Because we can, doesn't mean we should.
When you have a bad day but life still surprises you.
Sega Genesis vs. iPhone X
I always make special requests to hotels for pictures of Bill Murray and the one I'm currently staying at delivered.
When the uber knows a shortcut
Farting in polite society.
The friendzone logo
Plastic Surgery Anonymous
Ad for English language school spotted in Zagreb, Croatia
K bye
My recently-divorced photographer friend got this oddly fitting promotional email from Adobe.
< :(
Anon walks around naked
I for one, would welcome the world's coolest dog
A friend of mine recently moved to Mexico, she sent me this
When the car next to you has better snacks.
Grandfather of the Season
at least he had a sense of humor
Somebody give this extra a raise... or a desk and computer.
Come over, Parents aren't home