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That Stronghold guy.
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Hardcore Commenter

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High as a kite
When your parents know you're gonna be a SJW
Maybe they heard it in the divination class
Found at local target
Mom teaching you how to do something versus Dad teaching you how to do something
Always have a good backup plan...
Dad knocked over a mannequin
Where you from?
No more awkward eye contact
So that's where pumpkins come from!
If Dinosaurs had a speech impediment
open shop
These $50 dollar carabiner's have a security lock even though you can just unhook them and take them off
a wanted man
Congrats to them.
Father-Son Time
Been there
Bump into it so hard
Someone just screamed "SINNER!" at me as they drove by.
Blackadder being Blackadder
someone wanted more warframe memes?
Im so fat
new meme format
And he accepted her invitation.
My mom is in Germany on business.... evidently its also Oktoberfest. She sent this to me this morning
Trash talking in the state of Utah
omae wa mou shindeiru
Found this in my four year old daughter's room yesterday. Nailed it!
Second breakfast
Tried to take a selfie at JFK. Caught this gem before I could figure out how to reverse the cam.
We don't choose who we fall in love with...
Found in the streets of Puerto Rico after hurricane Maria
A solid money maker.
This is how you get me to tip. Who am I to stop a cat from living his dream
quick math 2.0
Carred ladde of pornstar
This headline deserves some kind of an award.
There are 2 types of men: The Playboy and The Prayboy
Didn't include eyebrows tho
Saw someone post a vet sign and reminded me of one I saw
I was changing my cat's litter and went back to the container I kept it in
This boys haircut.
UPS driver has a sense of humor
RIP Hugh Hefner
Pirates of the DeLorean
I think I've finally found my spirit animal
It's the evolution of any freedom really
Don't wanna peel that sticker off
When I've had enough the store is closed...
No wonder men can’t find it: it moves around
Number Twelve Will Amaze You !
U wil hapy
Remember kids,
I think I found myself a job
I tought it was a normal picture at first...
omae wa mou shindeiru
fix the beats
Guns in video games don't make you agressive. This does.
He's not alone
The naked hard truth about social media, in a nutshell
when your date isnt funny but you wanna get laid
1 out of every 3 snakes ...
Early Italian nuclear test
Makes sense
Filling up with confidence
when you get a tattoo at age 11
respect for women
Anon makes me mad
Testing my office's strict dress code. I'll graduate to two feet once I feel I've... slipped under the radar.
Well you aren't wrong
not all is what it seems
I think my wife wasn't quite prepared for the sting ray to take the food form her hand.
When you can't find the real Bear Grylls meme so you just use a different picture of him
I guess her parents weren't home
Hello There
My wife ordered this pillow. How small is this baby?
Just D&D things.
north korea doesnt stand a chance
better run, better run ♫
WTF even is Garfield anymore...
Retailers were bored
Anon goes to the toilet
I asked my girlfriend how badly her screen was cracked after she dropped her phone... she sent this
Neither was I
Decided today was a good time to clean out my wallet
Husky and palm tree
I just realized something today...
Squirrels are secretly evil.
I forgot her name, Google did exactly what I wanted.
Tour de Utah
When did Kristen Stewart become Jeremy Irons from Die Hard 3?
hey, pull my finger
fake burn
Bees? I like em a little. I don't like em a lot.
"secret" service