The naked hard truth about social media, in a nutshell

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when your date isnt funny but you wanna get laid
1 out of every 3 snakes ...
Early Italian nuclear test
Makes sense
Filling up with confidence
when you get a tattoo at age 11
respect for women
Anon makes me mad
Testing my office's strict dress code. I'll graduate to two feet once I feel I've... slipped under the radar.
Well you aren't wrong
not all is what it seems
I think my wife wasn't quite prepared for the sting ray to take the food form her hand.
When you can't find the real Bear Grylls meme so you just use a different picture of him
I guess her parents weren't home
Hello There
My wife ordered this pillow. How small is this baby?
Just D&D things.
north korea doesnt stand a chance
better run, better run ♫
WTF even is Garfield anymore...
Retailers were bored
Anon goes to the toilet
I asked my girlfriend how badly her screen was cracked after she dropped her phone... she sent this
Neither was I
Decided today was a good time to clean out my wallet
Husky and palm tree
I just realized something today...
Squirrels are secretly evil.
I forgot her name, Google did exactly what I wanted.
Tour de Utah
When did Kristen Stewart become Jeremy Irons from Die Hard 3?
hey, pull my finger
fake burn
Bees? I like em a little. I don't like em a lot.
"secret" service
This sign in a Minneapolis liquor store
Knock Knock It's the Police
Finally it all makes sense now
Dr. Robotthicc
The Stress Is Getting To Him
Crush a Bunny get a Dictator
My brother and i started a new thing where we "skittle" each other, he was so confused why his camera wasnt turning on lol, get skittled fool!
Drill sarn't my weapon won't fire!
Oh no, she did it !!!
Reasonable hours
Lee Child had a great weekend
Wheely needed that stall
the choice is clear
hard to spot that even with lenses
some steves just want to watch the blocks burn
Childhood toys
Awkward places to put your hand during a photo
Suicide squad
Life with a newborn...
My local vet office is ready for fall
Rule of the lab: Don't sit down
They really made a bearded dragon an official lizard cop.
Kill them all hal..
"Uh, little help please...?"
Thank you kind stranger, I will forever be in your debt.
Welcome to the Ricefields
What if I'm mixed?
Hippo Juggernaut
Some people just have all the answers
"Can you make this more romantic?"
not an improvise adapt overcome meme
Make up your mind
There appears to be a glitch in the matrix...
Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should
Searched for "ate mile", wasn't disappointed.
senior tacos
Father Guido Sanducci
Will you use a normal urinal like a coward or will you take the journey of legends? The choice is yours.
Now they even added a fourth black powerpuff girl with giant hips
Some wise advice.....
Work van graphics done right...
Ron Perlman looks like the lovechild of Will Ferrell and Gary Busey
best juice
Ridiculous shape
It's okay laundry...
Not the bunny she had been wanting.
The true answer to the ethical dilemma
dollar store crayons
Traffic's so bad even the road signs are complaining
The ultimate dynasty has ended therefore we should:
Found this Gem in My Gallery
I wonder how they did it...
The back of Weird Al's 1994 tour shirts
I accidentally put my name instead of my dog's name on The emails I get are Hilarious!